Yeh, I used to not smoke for nicotine. I'd drop an incense cone into my pipe and just enjoy the exotic flavors of India. Then, I tried smoking flowers, potpourri, and I found that when dried to crunchy they didn't burn my tongue as badly. Then I decided to start snorting perfumes, not right out of the bottle, but spritzed onto the necks of female strangers. But, a court order put a stop to that. Then, after an all night bender of tasting free samples of ice cream at Baskin Robbins, I dragged myself into a tobacconist, where the first bowl was free, and I have been hooked ever since.
There are different degrees and effects of addiction. I can easily put my pipe down for weeks at a time. But, I think about it. I definitely crave it, but not like that character on Reefer Madness, but just find myself thinking about it. I also have to look for something to help me fall asleep when I am not smoking. And, first chance I get I am firing up my pipe. When I vacation, I look for smoking rooms in motels or hotels. I look in advance for B&Ms to explore in the area. I plan to smoke in rental cars. I plan my rotation in advance for vacations. I have even planned with my kids that if I should require assistance in my old age to do their best to keep me at home, so that I can continue smoking my pipes. I really don't spend as much time thinking about any other hobby or past-time. Call it what you want, but I am just going to be honest with myself, and call it an addiction.
If a blend reported no nicotine, I wouldn't be interested in even trying it.