I was going to mention my and my daughter's addiction to cell phones. I find myself constantly checking for emails and texts, and my children are always on them. But, when we have to put them down, we don't have a physical reaction. We just want them back. Also, I drink coffee from sun up till sundown most of the year, except in the heat of the summer when I am working outside most of the day, where just walking outside causes me to drench my shirt is sweat. I have to quit, or I get dehydrated more quickly. I don't have the shakes or headaches, but I can feel a reaction. But, I can easily walk away from it, but I am an addict.
Cigarettes were the worst addiction that I have ever had. Just after a few hours of putting one down, I could start to smell cigarettes being smoked from across a parkinglot. It was the hardest thing I have ever given up. Maybe inhaling directly to my lungs or the "engineering" of the tobacco by the cigarette manufacturers, whichever, it was definitely different for me. Much more powerful an addiction than smoking my pipe. But, I managed to quit, several times for different lengths of time, until I started smoking my pipes.
I definitely don't have the same reaction when I don't (can't) smoke my pipes, but there is the knowledge that I will never 100% fully walk away from them.
Luckily, I haven't had an addiction to alcohol, but I watched an uncle of mine deal with it when I was growing up, and that was not a pretty sight, but it was possible for him to quit, even though he was a sunup to sundown drinker.
Yes, there are varying degrees of addiction. And, I can only speak for myself. But, if I had of never tried tobacco of any sort, I probably wouldn't chose to smoke anything at all. Yes, this colors my own opinion-giving when I am asked about others who want to start smoking. And, no, I cannot speak to anyone else's use of tobacco. However, I take full responsibility for what I do, and I am not going to play around with the "words" when asked. I do "know" that it is possible to be a non-inhaling pipe smoker and be addicted. Does that mean "you" will be? I just know that it is possible. And, I feel compelled to be honest about it.
And, I am slightly jealous of someone who can merely smoke once or twice a week, but if it were me who could smoke this infrequently, I would just walk away from it, and live more freely. But, don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the habit/hobby. I enjoy it immensely. But, given the opportunity, I would walk away to a cleaner, cheaper, and more free quality of life if I could. And, I make no bones about it. It's a love/hate thing... well... love/dislike... or, love/would-walk away thing. :
