Should a Non Smoker Take up the Hobby?

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Jan 31, 2011
the situation in which you need something or someone all the time, especially in order to continue existing or operating
an inability to stop doing or using something, especially something harmful
I'm not sure there's a great distinction there, but dependency is a bit more severe...although the word addiction somehow sounds worse.
For me, neither of those definitions are applicable to nicotine, but they're both pretty close with caffeine.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Yet again ... we know. When you find yourself thinking about a pipe from a need to relax then, call it what you will but ... we know.
If a pipe is the highlight of your day ... we know.
If the pipe helps you to be less tense, more able to handle a situation ... we know.
If you've penciled in September 8th, pipe after dinner ... we know.
Thursday is pipe night? Yes, we know.



Might Stick Around
Jul 29, 2018
Well...if my wife wanted to go to bed RIGHT NOW and let me smoke my pipe while drinking some Lauinitas Li'l Sumpin that would make my day! As long as I had my coffee earlier in the day :rofl:



Jan 31, 2011
The term addiction, or even dependency, doesn't bother me in the least. It just depends on how you define it.
If you define it in a manner such as Warren or Cosmic have expressed, then yes, no problem...I'm addicted and I like it.
But if you define it using the dictionary, then no it simply doesn't apply.
Due to circumstances in the recent past, I've quit using tobacco cold turkey for many months at a time without the least bit of difficulty.
There's simply no way I could do that with caffeine.
Don't confuse a desire for accuracy with language for being defensive about tobacco use. If you equate any desire for tobacco with addiction, then fine...I'm addicted, no question.
Here's a question for any of you who drink alcohol:
Do you consider yourself to be addicted to alcohol? And if not, why don't you apply the same standard to that as you are to tobacco?
There really is a difference between use and addiction. It seems to me that people who really are addicted to tobacco (by the dictionary definition) are somehow troubled by anyone who can use it more moderately. You have my sympathy.



Jan 31, 2011
One thing I'll add for clarity...the circumstance I referred to was for almost 2.5 years between 2015 and 2017 I was living in a rental house in which I was not allowed to smoke.
I could smoke outside, or even in the garage, but I only did this a very few times (like less than 10 times) during the entire time I was there simply because it wasn't comfortable or convenient. I just like to be inside and comfortable when I smoke.
Now if I was really addicted to tobacco, I just don't think the need to go outside or in the garage would have stopped me.
But if it makes anyone more comfortable to equate any and all tobacco use with addiction, then I'll play along if it makes you feel better.



Jan 31, 2011
No problem Warren...I enjoy these types of discussions when I have time for them...and I just happen to have some time on my hands today.
Think I'll try to find something else to do away from the keyboard for a while.
The worst addiction I observe in most people these days is to their "smart phones". I thank God I don't have one of those.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I was going to mention my and my daughter's addiction to cell phones. I find myself constantly checking for emails and texts, and my children are always on them. But, when we have to put them down, we don't have a physical reaction. We just want them back. Also, I drink coffee from sun up till sundown most of the year, except in the heat of the summer when I am working outside most of the day, where just walking outside causes me to drench my shirt is sweat. I have to quit, or I get dehydrated more quickly. I don't have the shakes or headaches, but I can feel a reaction. But, I can easily walk away from it, but I am an addict.

Cigarettes were the worst addiction that I have ever had. Just after a few hours of putting one down, I could start to smell cigarettes being smoked from across a parkinglot. It was the hardest thing I have ever given up. Maybe inhaling directly to my lungs or the "engineering" of the tobacco by the cigarette manufacturers, whichever, it was definitely different for me. Much more powerful an addiction than smoking my pipe. But, I managed to quit, several times for different lengths of time, until I started smoking my pipes.
I definitely don't have the same reaction when I don't (can't) smoke my pipes, but there is the knowledge that I will never 100% fully walk away from them.
Luckily, I haven't had an addiction to alcohol, but I watched an uncle of mine deal with it when I was growing up, and that was not a pretty sight, but it was possible for him to quit, even though he was a sunup to sundown drinker.
Yes, there are varying degrees of addiction. And, I can only speak for myself. But, if I had of never tried tobacco of any sort, I probably wouldn't chose to smoke anything at all. Yes, this colors my own opinion-giving when I am asked about others who want to start smoking. And, no, I cannot speak to anyone else's use of tobacco. However, I take full responsibility for what I do, and I am not going to play around with the "words" when asked. I do "know" that it is possible to be a non-inhaling pipe smoker and be addicted. Does that mean "you" will be? I just know that it is possible. And, I feel compelled to be honest about it.
And, I am slightly jealous of someone who can merely smoke once or twice a week, but if it were me who could smoke this infrequently, I would just walk away from it, and live more freely. But, don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the habit/hobby. I enjoy it immensely. But, given the opportunity, I would walk away to a cleaner, cheaper, and more free quality of life if I could. And, I make no bones about it. It's a love/hate thing... well... love/dislike... or, love/would-walk away thing. :puffy:



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I'm always surprised when flying long distances with long airport times that I never give a cigarette a thought. If smoking is "verboten" I never give it a thought nor have a "need." Don't know why, simply find it interesting. So, I'm guessing mental addiction rather than physical. I could chew but, the thought of passengers or the stews (Apologies all I should have written attendants. Stew could mean steward or stewardess so ... forget the apology! I hate PC.) throwing up all over the place, well ...



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Oh, and bare with me one more observation. I apologize for the soap box. I meant to include this with the above, but got carried away with the ramble...
When I do smoke my first pipe of the day, or first pipe after a few days, or if I have had a stuffed up nose or slight congestion... as I prepare my first pipe after a break, I notice that my sinuses clear up involuntarily to accept the task. I've read about coke fiends having this reaction in anticipation of their first snort. I am not sure if that signifies a physical or mental addiction, but it is something I noticed. Even if I am sick and stopped up really bad, my body prepares itself for my pipe. There are times when I am feverish and do not have this involuntary reaction, but I am rarely that sick.

Weird, I know. But, I thought it worth noting.



Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion

Wish I find a way to discipline my body so.
Haven't smoked for two days due to my sinuses. After my smoke last Tuesday I had a monster headache for the rest of the day. The cure was a tumbler of grog, but I can't drink all day.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 24, 2018
I’m an infrequent smoker , statistically speaking , probably a non smoker
Never did like cigarettes nor understand the inhaling thing , I can appreciate a good cigar tho and pipes are appealing because of the variety and gene memories it can evoke .
So , ya , try a pipe , all things in moderation.



Aug 14, 2018
Warren, Bigpond; Yes I am a woman. And yes, I often feel I have bigger balls than some of my male friends 8)
I'm enjoying the process so far. Learning about drying, packing, pipe types, tobacco types etc. I think I'm enjoying that part the most at the moment... Mainly because I'm still struggling with correct packing and the pipe staying lit.
Also already thinking of what to get as my next pipe. I like the churchwardens, but being 5'1'' i'm worried that the length would just appear too comical in my hand.
Thanks all for the discussion above. It's been amusing and informative.



Oct 14, 2014
Kudos to you for not running scared from this forum lol.
Churchwardens don’t care how tall you are, they’re meant for seated smokers....pew not required :wink:

Finding long enough pipe cleaners can be an extra step though.
There is a lot of anxiety and hand wringing in the early days of pipe smoking. It’s natural and we all go through it.
A couple of tips:
You can always tamp down a loosely filled bowl but you can’t loosen an over tight bowl without dumping it all. Start looser than you think you need to and tighten as needed.
Don’t worry about relights, Relights don’t represent “smoking skill” or lack thereof. Often times forcing the issue leads to a hot burning bowl and a burnt tongue.
Experiment with drying out your tobacco.
Try to use wooden matches. If you are relighting a lot, the cooler burn temp of the wooden match can help to minimize discomfort.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 24, 2018
the frank method worked for me , simply sprinkle , gravity feed , loosely fill your bowl to the top , then roll a pinch of tobacco between your fingers into a plug and stuff it in , check the draw ..
The idea is you have created small pockets of air to help it stay lit
Another thing I try to do is breath method , gently exhale out a little thru your pipe , it helps liven up the embers for a nice draw of thick smoke



Aug 25, 2018
To be honest, if you have never regularly smoked anything in your life you may not like tobacco and I don't advise it for most people. If you have already tried a few blends, liked it and can continue in moderation then go for it and explore around.
Others may disagree, but I do find pipe smoking to be somewhat slightly addictive but that could also just be my personality. I could quit if I truly wanted to, but I don't see any reason to. Its relaxing and helps take the mind off things for a while.

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