Should a Non Smoker Take up the Hobby?

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Jul 19, 2018
Uh, not me. I mostly smoke a meer and everyone knows that a meer filters out all the nicotine.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Hmmm, how unfortunate. I can't think of any other reason to smoke than the effects of nicotine. If it weren't for nicotine in tobacco, I would save myself a whole heap of money and time to do something more productive than smoking. Just like if coffee didn't have caffeine, I wouldn't bother with it either.
I think people equate addiction with negatives, like meth or heroine, but really addiction isn't all that bad, as long as you aren't neglecting your other responsibilities.



Jul 19, 2018
Crap! I was kidding about meers and nicotine. Was sure that claim was bs. Totally agree about tobacco and coffee, two of my favorite food groups.



Nov 24, 2015
IMO Your starting premise is off. If you've only been quit for 3 years, you're hardly a non-smoker. You're recently quit. I quit butts 30 years ago and would never risk going back because I would be at 2 packs a day in a heartbeat. Pipes are a wonderful experience. But FOR ME you have to weigh the risk of going back to cigs.



Feb 13, 2015
Of course you should. This is a forum for pipe enthusiasts, not for people who are ambivalent about pipe smoking. I encourage and condone it wholeheartedly. What else would you expect from someone on a pipe smokers' forum?



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I used to do my two mile daily run with a Camel, the cigarette for those of you in Loma Linda, hanging out of my mouth. Of course, I was in my early twenties and in great shape already. I wouldn't try that now. Hell, I wouldn't try a two mile run these days.
If you want to take up the vice ("Hobby" is too benign a word for smoking.). Hobby is for collectors, some carvers, and the dilettantes, do so with full knowledge that you are doing nothing beneficial for your body (harm most likely), reducing the amount of discretionary moneys you have and stinking up the house, your clothes, etc. You can call it relaxation, "centering, etc. or justify the behavior through some other semantic. Some people need a crutch (meds, booze, pipes, crocheting, painting or the like, to "relax. Nothing wrong with that, millions of people require a diversion to forget their troubles. Some use diversions (crocheting, pipes, pets, etc.) to abet in addressing stressors/problems, as opposed to a temporary, leaving them to be faced at a later time. Problems/stressors do not disappear or correct themselves.
Smoking is a purely selfish decision and attempting to throw the responsibility of your choice onto others is just ... well wrong and immature. Man up! Make your own choices! And, live with the consequences.
If you asked that question of me, in a face to face conversation, I'd point out all the negatives and the one positive (nicotine), and leave the decision to you. I simply do not want to share in that responsibility.



Oct 14, 2014
Pretty sure OP is a woman...not sure “manning up” is the right turn of phrase. Anywho...I smoke a pipe because I like the taste of pipeweed, not the nicotine, which I almost never notice. If you want a buzz there are far more interesting and less expensive ways to get there but to each his/her own. I won’t crap on someone else’s Funtime.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
It's not for a buzz, but the relaxation effects of the nicotine. You can smoke for whatever reasons you want Bigpond, if memory serves we have already gone around this tree together. But, if I was only going to smoke for flavors and tastes, I would choose something cheaper and less destructive and better tasting, like maybe tasting icecream samples or smelling flowers. Why chose to smoke one of the most noxious smelling thing in the world as a hobby?

I am just jealous you you non-addicted, quit anytime guys... who never quit. :puffy:



Feb 13, 2015
"I'm not sexiest"
Don't sell yourself short, Warren. Some women love the rugged, outdoorsy type! :rofl:



Jul 2, 2010
To smoke or not to smoke. Ah, there is the rub.

It is, of course, an individual decision.

I smoked pipes in college to smarten up since many of my profs smoked pipes. I thought it would help my IQ. It didn't. I quit physics 101 before Dr. Whitelaw threw me out. Made it over to the English Dept. where I could halfway understand what I was reading.

Now, as to start the art of pipe smoking, or not, that has to be very personal. After reading all the literature on the subject, it is also obvious that bad things can result from too much tobacco.

My point is, smoke if you enjoy it. Don't smoke if you don't love the leaf.

Me, I try never to smoke than two pipes at the same time (with great apologies to Mr. Twain).

That's my two.

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