Oh my... having to school our Grangerous Brother, yet again... seems my remedial work with him is never done :::
Okay... pull up a chair gang, here we go:
Firstly, you need to PM me your address again, so I can mail you this beautiful, brand-new, MM
Great Dane; which, has been properly honey'd and dried for you, on your behalf, with which to bring you into the full light of understanding, and liberate you from the eternal prison of your ignorant state.
Secondly, I never talked about "building cake" as the goal of the honey/maple treatment; which you have misrepresented repeatedly to the Brethren-at-Large, in your above posts. Those statements of your own -
yet assigned to me, by you - are yet another one of many a famous and spurious assumptions on your part, Dear Brother; in a long line of such assumptions.
In referencing such assumptions, do I really need recall and evoke the Word-of-Embarrassment:
Nay, say I; I shall withhold recalling that one, and spare you that specific additional spike of shame...
this time.
Herein below, copied and pasted for your illumination is the word-for-word response I provided to you when you asked me specifically about cake-building via the honey/maple treatment in new cobs:
No, it stops your cobs from giving off that burnt cob taste. It works as a great protective barrier until the inside of the bowl and exposed wood of the stem - where it enters the bowl - are naturally charred and caked...
Since you obviously missed it the first time,
please note the word: "
No"; being the very first word of my reply.
Perhaps, you might also note the words:
"Protective Barrier"; followed by the time conditional word:
"Until"; wherein the
"Until" is followed by the words:
"the inside of the bowl and exposed wood of the stem - where it enters the bowl - are naturally charred and caked."
adverb: without special help nor intervention; in a natural manner.
So, if the concept of charring and creating cake is to come about
"naturally" - e.g.: without artificial aid - therefore, it stands to reason that the benefits of the honey/maple treatment is exclusive - e.g.: restricted or limited to the thing it concerns - then it cannot,
logically, be part of the cake-building goal; which you have erroneously and assigned it to - by misrepresentation.
It occurs to me as I compose my clever and chiding retort, that this is yet another example of where faulty diction and definition has plagued you; and, left you hopelessly hamstrung - but, as I said, I would not mention any talk of:
The Inflamed Marshmallow Indecent .
Now, be a good lad, and PM your POBox addy to me again, so I can get your properly honey'd pipe off to you on Friday, along with those tabak samples we have been discussing which I have ear-marked for your perusal.
Your Palsee-wowsee,
Sherm 'Honey Pipe'