Scott, Rob, ... whatever.
Not my circus, not my monkeys.
I did check out and vet your unfinished basement cob guy. Just as I said earlier that I picked up on some sort of 'refurbished car salesman' vibe from him; lo-and-behold, not only does it turn out he sells re-worked MM's; and even more
"interesting", is that he used to sell little baggies of cigar ash to use as
pipe mud for coating the inside of a cob bowl with...
Now, isn't that just so coincidental....
So according to your "expert in the basement on YouTube",
free honey/syrup
from your kitchen is not to be used;
but, when mixed with water, the baggie of his magic cigar ash was sold to coat the inside of a cob's bowl
is just fine... Now how could that be...
Hmmmm? ?
Cigar ash when added to water, will indeed create a mud-like substance,
which will then dry like cement on the inside surfaces of your bowl. So how does this possibly jibe with your statement of:
"We don’t waaaaant to blooooock the poooores of a cob - it needs to breathe. It needs to be porous."
Seems to me the only thing intended to be truly "porous" here is the lining of your wallet.
I think you might be better off if you simply stay off YouTube my boy; you're just going to become more confused, scared, or end up buying magic cigar ash from some guy in an unfinished basement.
By the way, tell me again the story of how when your mom sent you market with the family cow, you traded it away for some magic beans... I love the part where the giant yells:
"Fe, FI, Fo, Fum!!" and chases you screaming, back down the giant bean stalk LOL!
Sherm Natman