I love reading this thread, since I'm a native Californian (Los Angeles) who has been living in San Francisco for over 20 years.
One thing that's clear to me--simple broad brush stroke generalizations about a place, whether it's SF or Alabama, are limiting. Yes, there's homelessness, drug addiction here. Do keep in mind that I believe that there's always been a large proportion of folks, starting in the 60s, who ended up in SF but were from states other than CA. So it's not necessarily a home grown problem.
Prices are insane here for housing, no doubt. And in my view, that starts to impoverish the city experience, as there's only one socioeconomic class that can afford to live here. But in a capitalistic system, that says something about the demand to live in this city.
As far as the smoking ban, I think that the difference is that folks can go outside and smoke a cigarette, but they technically are not allowed to smoke marijuana outside (technically, of course). I think that if it can be shown that second hand smoke can have deleterious health effects on neighbors (and not just being annoying), then perhaps government does have a right to look at it. I'm actually not sure how I fall on this issue.
One thing I can say for sure--in every place I've been, I look for what's great about it, while recognizing its shortcomings. For example, I was really impressed with Birmingham AL and Lexington KY when I visited them--I'm sure that there aren't a lot of people here in SF who would say that.
Finally, once this whole pandemic thing is over, I invite anyone on this forum if they happen to be in SF to reach out to me for a drink, food, city walk, and yes, perhaps a pipe or two.