Working in Jersey for nearly 20 years, I got an education on Taylor Ham. I found most places buy a sub-quality no-name pork-roll vs the real deal Taylor brand (which is about $6/pound!).Taylor Ham (Pork Roll to the dirty south Jersey residents). I buy it as a 6 or 7 pound full log and slice it myself. The pre boxed stuff is not as good, but suitable in a pinch. I have tried to eat it at deli’s outside NJ who try to make it and I have yet to find a place outside the state that knows what to do with it correctly. If you find yourself NJ, you owe it to yourself to go to a good deli and get a sandwich.
Pork roll - Wikipedia
In Maryland, we worship at the alter of the Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab - steamed of course (who in the hell boils seafood????), with plenty of Old Bay (Louisiana: you can keep your Zatarans)