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Can't Leave
Jan 16, 2013
United States
I always preferred He-Man and She-Ra personally. I tried the breath smoking and blew hot ash out of my pipe. It's going to take a bit more work for me but I'll keep trying. :?



May 17, 2011
Northern New Jersey
Outstanding post ohin3. That was precisely my point. Couldn't have said it better myself. And smoking this way means not only a more flavorful smoke but also a longer lasting bowl. And less smoke means less annoyance to nonsmokers that live with you. It's a win win for both parties.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 27, 2012
I really like it when I can get a slow burn going. Royal Yacht taste particularly good with just a slight wisp of smoke coming from it. Cool and tasty. I really get what you're saying kashmir. For me slower is better.



Jun 2, 2011
The new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is crap. The old cartoon from the 90s is great.
Here's an even bigger shocker, that cartoon in the 90s is based on the black and white comic book from the 1980s. The comics are a whole different beast.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Sipping a pipe takes a lot of practice, but once you get it down, the benefits are very transparent. The flavors of a blend will sing when you have the proper combustion, too hot and you don't get much flavor. I prefer to sip my pipe slowly and do not create huge volumes of smoke like with a cigar.

Aug 14, 2012
I have a technique of thinking very slowly, so as not to upset others. Kind of like what you do with your pipe. It works. Nobody has moved out in a few years, and hardly anyone notices me.



May 29, 2011
It took a while for me to develope the sipping technique. Probably wasn't intentional, I did not actually set out with intent to do it. But over time, I subconsciously was able to keep my pipe going for an hour or more, depending on the tobacco and the pipe. As far as smokeless? I have never been able to do that.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 2, 2011
Tried to mimic ultra slow technique today, before posting a comment. I found it actually worked quite well. I found the smoke was cool and intensely flavored and not harsh at all. I was pleasantly surprise at how well I could keep the ember lit with such slow puffing. I did use some tobacco that was dryer than I normally smoke, so I think that helped it stay lit.



Jun 13, 2012
I am not going to get myself upset as I do when I read some threads. I past by most of the comments by.
I can tell most of you don't live in a houseful of kids. Marriage is about compromise. Keepin a woman happy is partly about listenin to her! Can't be a bachelor all yer life. Otherwise it'll doubtfully be a short one.
At the end of the day. If your not holding that once auburn haired woman in your grey whiskers and smelling her then it is time to get your ass back home. The older we get the more patience we have for each other.
A good wife that knows the importance of a mans happiness to me is priceless.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 11, 2013
Alexandria, VA
I'm with you Kashmir; I enjoy a light whispy smoke too. I get a much cooler flavorful smoke. And you're also right that this kind of smoking cadence results in a longer smoke. I can sometimes smoke a single bowl for 2 hours or more getting wonderful flavors the whole way through. And these aren't large pipes either; for example, I can get 45 minute to an hour out of my Chris Morgan Briar Cigar, which is designed for short, 15 minute smokes.
Kashmir, I guess we see eye-to-eye because we both seem to have a wife and kids who we consider earnestly throughout our day.
Happy puffing.



May 17, 2011
Northern New Jersey
Like I've said here many times before, I clench pipe. This means I pack, char and tamp, then leave the pipe in till its done. Ever seen those old black and white movies? All those guys clenched pipe. Sure a few would be shown loafing around in an armchair, holding a pipe. But most pipers were shown hoofing around doing hands-free piping. For me, clenching a pipe forces you to integrate piping with breathing. It also forces youto pipe slowly and to sip. No locomotive making big clouds of smoke here. Just lil' willow wisps to keep the smoulder alive. Never any tongue bite. Every now and then a strong pull to make sure all is in order. What results is a long cool smoke, full of flavor. An added advantage is that your room is not full of smoke. And like I said above, you won't be calling attention to yourself in a crowd of non-smokers. A lot of old timers clench. It's how they smoke a pipe.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 6, 2013
The important thing here is, slow smoking means better smoking. I've been puffing away for 50+ years and still have to restrain myself from smoking too fast. It seems that if a tobacco tastes good, the natural instinct is to want to draw more and faster, thinking it will produce more flavor (just like eating, wanting to gobble down something particularly tasty). But the opposite is true in both cases: smoke and eat more slowly and your enjoyment will increase, and last longer. Thanks for the reminder, Kashmir.



May 17, 2011
Northern New Jersey
Thanks 4dot. Or should I say four dot. The number was spelled out in the family Sasieni and later, post-transition, were denoted numerically. I guess in the end, given enough years with the pipe, we all become Buddhists.



Jul 6, 2013
There is a lot of wisdom in this, I think - and it took me about 7 years to strike upon it, I think. I was smoking a pipe the other day while on my computer at home. I got intensely focused on something with the computer, and had all but stopped puffing on my pipe.
It hit that sweet spot where it was on the very brink of extinguishing. It blew my mind. It radically shifted my perceptions of the hobby for me - I thought I was smoking "slow" already, you see.
I have a very healthy respect for anyone who can keep their pipe on that very cusp of death, and yet keep it rolling ever so slowly along... enjoying that immense flavor that comes from it.
I hope to be able to do that some day. I'll keep trying.

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