I always preferred He-Man and She-Ra personally. I tried the breath smoking and blew hot ash out of my pipe. It's going to take a bit more work for me but I'll keep trying. :?
Here's an even bigger shocker, that cartoon in the 90s is based on the black and white comic book from the 1980s. The comics are a whole different beast.The new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is crap. The old cartoon from the 90s is great.
At the end of the day. If your not holding that once auburn haired woman in your grey whiskers and smelling her then it is time to get your ass back home. The older we get the more patience we have for each other.I can tell most of you don't live in a houseful of kids. Marriage is about compromise. Keepin a woman happy is partly about listenin to her! Can't be a bachelor all yer life. Otherwise it'll doubtfully be a short one.
I feel like I am on my way to that end, Kashmir. That's a good quote...I guess in the end, given enough years with the pipe, we all become Buddhists.