PipesMag Ephemera Syndicate - Collectors Group

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Jul 29, 2014
NW Missouri
My reading of pool members' replies thus far led me to proceed with our counteroffer. The catalogs are ours at a cost of $158, $150 for the catalogs and $8 for combined shipping. We will also have the cost of me shipping these on to Sable, but I will bear that. I am hoping to set things up such that future purchases will ship direct to our scan man and keeper of the scrolls.
I hope I have not overstepped in proceeding with the purchase.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
And we have our first guy for the group! Be happy that you're not paying for scanning. Before I shelled out the sheckels to buy my scanner I looked into the cost of archival scanning for the Barling catalog. $100 and more per page.
Congrats to us.



Jul 29, 2014
NW Missouri
Be happy that you're not paying for scanning. Before I shelled out the sheckels to buy my scanner I looked into the cost of archival scanning for the Barling catalog. $100 and more per page.
I am happy, very! And to think you are willing to also pay into the pool and accept as your reward musty old non-monetary paper. I am going to stop talking now...



Feb 6, 2013
Hey gang.
A) yay! First buy. Who's serving cocktails? I need a Martini over here: gin, olives, dirty... The Vermouth can stand next to my glass in its bottle.

B) I'll be sporadically perusing the forum each day, some days with long gaps. I'm inclined to put $100 in the kitty and empower MLC to be my proxy vote. He and I can work out my interests and hang ups via email.

C) Majority rules needs to be the way this goes unless we want to take voting to text message or email.

D) I will try to be less pith and more literal with my approvals.
Nicely done lads.
-- Pat



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
We're off to a good start! I've been scanning the 1939 Wally Frank catalog, chock full of Wally Frank tobacciana, as an experiment to see how long it will take to digitize and prep a catalog. Looks like about a day's work. I'll send this to Buroak as soon as it's done and he can send it out. Tons of copy. These guys were real pitch men. I get the impression that Wally Frank was the Sears Roebuck of the pipe world.

Jan 4, 2015
Back in the sixties he ran a "pipe of the month" operation. Every month there was a new pipe and you got a card in the mail. If you didn't want the pipe you sent the card back.

BYW did I miss the "anti up" part? Are we collecting and of so who and by what means?

May 31, 2012

thanks for the labor,

I know it's a tedious task.
BYW did I miss the "anti up" part? Are we collecting and of so who and by what means?
Buroak is our treasurer and he will be setting up a P/P account for group purposes, I think.
- - - -
A note about my Owl Shop catalog,

I just checked pipepages and noticed that it is the same catalog I have,

apparently it was from 1962, this is it:


...since it already pre-exists there, should we drop that one from our queue,

or go ahead and scan it anyway?



Jul 29, 2014
NW Missouri
I will be setting up a PayPal account for the group. Look for payment instructions tomorrow.
MLC, If the catalog is on Pipepages, then we should move your Owl Shop catalog to the back of the scanning queue. I think we should probably keep it in the queue, though. Pipepages looks to be sliding further into disrepair.



Jul 29, 2014
NW Missouri
Setting up a PayPal account was even easier than I remembered, so the pool is ready to receive funds. On PayPal's site send money using the Friends and Family option to pipesephemera@gmail.com. The Friends and Family option keeps PayPal from extracting fees from the money the pool receives, leaving us with more for acquisitions. Besides, we're all friends here.
Receiving checks is going to a different matter. Let me figure out what I can do about that.



Jul 29, 2014
NW Missouri
Now that you know where to send money, I suppose I should let folks know what they owe. To do that I need everyone to confirm the catalog purchase(s) to which they are contributing. Please post that information to this thread.

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