Just as some blends are lesser, some better... some members get saltier over the years also.
Funny to me that the same set of guys would have said, "why didn't
that company just cancel the
product instead of packing tins with inferior leaf and selling blends based only on the tin art." Then the same old salts would turn around when someone says, "these blends are different now," and say, "shut up, just be glad they're making tobacco."
It's an insane Alice in Wonderland on here, where the same set of decrepit members just say whatever pops in their mind till the wind changes direction, and then they will say the opposite. I guess this always keeps the arguments fresh. But, to you younger guys, take all of this with a grain of salt.
If you like what you like, then smoke it. If you don't like it, shut the fuck up!

I kid, I kid... Like astrology... just wait till the moon is in Asparagus, with a penis retrograde, and you'll get a totally different set of reactions.
Sorry, I gots to get back to painting the roses red...