Ok, so lets say... someone offers you the Mona Lisa for a mere $1200, and you all like, "Wow, what a deal."
And, when you get it, its this...
View attachment 369136
I mean, it's a pretty good work of art. It might even be better than most of the modern stuff that you've seen on social media. So, this is Escudo. You can enjoy your work of art. But, keep in mind that this is not the Escudo that has been hanging in the Louvre for eons, and your friends might make fun of you when you invite them over to enjoy your new work of art.
But, for God's sakes, it's not about better or worse. Enjoy the shit out of this stuff.... but you're not smoking Escudo, and we re going to laugh every time you say that you own the Mona Lisa.