I miss the magic of the early days of my pipe smoking, before I knew how the sausage was made. There was something special about walking in to Tobacco Barn in OC and just going off the description on the tin or what the tobacconists had to say about a blend. Sometimes it was just the tin art that made me buy a blend. I didn't know house blends were often renamed Lane and sutliff bulks and that Davidoff Scottish Mixture was just another STG blend, mass produced on a conveyer belt and sprayed with some crap...I thought it was "Davidoff's special tradition of first-class tobaccos" with a subtle topping of fine scotch whiskey. Going in every week or so and buying a couple of tins was an adventure, and I didn't know everything on the shelf. Trading tins with friends at Civil War reenactments and actually thinking Dunhill still made pipe tobacco. Now I have a hoarder apocalypse cellar and get pissed off when a store tries to sell me an obvious STG bulk as being made "in-house." Maybe things were better back then because there was still some kind of magic to the whole thing. I sure as hell liked Star Wars better before I had everything explained to death and ruined after the original trilogy. I didn't know why Obi Wan disappeared and could talk to Luke and show up beyond the grave, I didn't need to know what a force ghost was...it was just cool. But, maybe I just don't have enough midi-chlorians to get pipe smoking or modern star wars. Shucks, I'm turning into Lee now. I'll quit while I'm ahead.