I thought I’d stick some questions here in the hope of avoiding starting a new thread. I’ll admit a few things I’m a bit ashamed to say. I smoked pipes for a few years before quitting. Recently I’ve started again. I’m smoking more aromatics now due to my having a family and the fact that I’m smoking inside. Anyway, I have to admit that I’ve suffered from tongue bite now and then and that I’ve struggled to moderate cadence. I’ve improved though and I have had success in eliminating the problem. One thing I’ve been doing is thoroughly drying out the tobacco (as is suggested here) before smoking. I’m talking an hour of drying time. However, I often find that I get no flavor sometimes out of these smokes. I wonder, can (over ) drying tobacco eliminate the flavor? I’m not drying it all day. I’m doing this with aros such as Solani Red and Blue Note. Strangely, I’ve noticed that my MacBaren Vanilla Loose Cut from the pouch almost always has good flavor without bite and without any drying. Am I simply drying the tin tobacco too much? I tend to put new tins in zip lock bags. Should I stop doing that as well, to let them dry out on their own? Thanks folks.