Pipe Smoking Thought For the Day

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Nov 26, 2018
I’m skeptical at best, when I’m not downright cynical.

In the creek beds around my farm are fossilized plants and sometimes little sea creatures to where I know eons ago I’d have been underwater, now I’m about a thousand feet above sea level.

I’m no good at finding them, but the creeks hold arrowheads too, made by artful hands.

There’s even coal in Missouri.

Maybe 15 or so thousand years ago Asians are theorized to have crossed a land bridge across the Bearing Strait.

How did all those animals and plants get over here first?

I’m not a Mormon, but I do like the idea of Missouri being the garden of Eden. They might have placed it a hundred or so miles too far North, but it’s a nice theory.

I don’t argue with either science or religion, but I will say we Christians have a better heavenly reward than merely stopping man made climate change.

Wouldn’t it be awful if the world was entirely convinced the world was warming , and instead we had another ice age?
Actually, it's Flushing, NY. They just can't find it due to trash and dog poops.


Jan 31, 2011
Yes, the observable university is finite.
The problem with the observable universe is that 95% of it is not actually observable...only theoretically referred to as dark energy and dark matter.

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Servant King

Geriatric Millennial
Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
I remember a lawyer friend of mine a number of years ago told me something interesting. He said that all lawyers, regardless of their practice area(s), are taught in law school to disregard what they may think is right or wrong. Just put that completely aside in any situation, and focus ONLY on what is legal or illegal.

It is this very memory that came up again when I was reading an article about what constitutes legal insanity, while smoking a pipe of course. It said that the basic definition of legal insanity rests exclusively upon one's own ability to know what is right and wrong. It went on to say, in a nutshell, that if someone doesn't know what's right and wrong, they can't be held legally responsible for whatever action is in question; they are legally insane.

So, for my pipe smoking thought for the day: if your lawyer has been trained to disregard what is right and wrong...is your lawyer legally insane? 🤔

For the record, the blend was Peterson Irish Whiskey, and I was smoking it correctly legally. puffy


Jan 31, 2011
I remember a lawyer friend of mine a number of years ago told me something interesting. He said that all lawyers, regardless of their practice area(s), are taught in law school to disregard what they may think is right or wrong. Just put that completely aside in any situation, and focus ONLY on what is legal or illegal.

It is this very memory that came up again when I was reading an article about what constitutes legal insanity, while smoking a pipe of course. It said that the basic definition of legal insanity rests exclusively upon one's own ability to know what is right and wrong. It went on to say, in a nutshell, that if someone doesn't know what's right and wrong, they can't be held legally responsible for whatever action is in question; they are legally insane.

So, for my pipe smoking thought for the day: if your lawyer has been trained to disregard what is right and wrong...is your lawyer legally insane? 🤔

For the record, the blend was Peterson Irish Whiskey, and I was smoking it correctly legally. puffy
So it's illegal to know right from wrong...that explains everything!


Mar 7, 2013
I remember a lawyer friend of mine a number of years ago told me something interesting. He said that all lawyers, regardless of their practice area(s), are taught in law school to disregard what they may think is right or wrong. Just put that completely aside in any situation, and focus ONLY on what is legal or illegal.

It is this very memory that came up again when I was reading an article about what constitutes legal insanity, while smoking a pipe of course. It said that the basic definition of legal insanity rests exclusively upon one's own ability to know what is right and wrong. It went on to say, in a nutshell, that if someone doesn't know what's right and wrong, they can't be held legally responsible for whatever action is in question; they are legally insane.

So, for my pipe smoking thought for the day: if your lawyer has been trained to disregard what is right and wrong...is your lawyer legally insane? 🤔

For the record, the blend was Peterson Irish Whiskey, and I was smoking it correctly legally. puffy

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Mar 7, 2013
Speaking of Apollo Moon missions, it wasn't known (by the public) for many years that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin truly thought they were dead men walking in the minute before they went down the ladder.

The panel switch to ignite the return engine got smashed by Neil's 180 pound backpack when he turned too fast (one sixth Earth gravity, but momentum stays the same). No spares, no toolbox.

Imagine the self-discipline and overall Bad Assery that those guys possessed to get on with the mission without alarming the public in any way. They gave zero indication that they were probably doomed.


(The switch was later made to work with parts from a ballpoint pen, but Houston took hours to figure something out. A solution was never guaranteed.)


Mar 7, 2013
Sorry to screw the pooch, but I ain’t gonna stand with 9 other fat f$cks in 1 square meter, or 9 skinny dudes for that matter.
I can’t accept the math.

I'm afraid you'll have to step over to the BHE line then, sir. The liquification line.

We apologize for any inconvenience.


Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
The near total elimination of fossil fuels will be one of the greatest blessings science has ever bestowed on the human race, so long as the new alternative fuel is better and cheaper than what is used today in Humansville.

Until it’s better and cheaper it’s not a viable alternative.
"...so long as the new alternative fuel is better and cheaper than what is used today in Humansville".

I thought the good folk of Humansville got by on hot air and hot air alone :rolleyes: .

