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Mar 7, 2013
BTW, "The only correct plural of moose is moose. Sometimes, people add an s to moose, but that is incorrect. Moose derives from Algonquian, a Native American language. It kept the same plural ending it had in its original language instead of adopting the normal s ending of most English plurals."

No worries. My sense of humor is a bit language oriented, is all.
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Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
Apparently, run through a blender, all of humanity would fill a cube only 0.47 km square.


The Human Cube
The hardest thing any man does is admit he might be, and likely is wrong.

Being in the middle of an argument is certain to get you crushed on both sides.

Standing in the middle of a world surrounded by billions of trillions of other worlds that must be tens of billions of years old, many of my friends are certain the world’s origins were translated into Latin at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. Other friends claim it’s all a cosmic accident and we had our origins in the Big Bang.

I think none of this just up and happened. It looks all very well designed to me.

Since all of humanity would fit on my 300 acre farm, it does seem a bit vain to think such a small species could accidentally change the climate of a world that’s as old as it is.

Mankind couldn’t have caused all the glaciers to wax and wane over millennia, because we weren’t there.

I don’t know the answer to the mysteries of life, but I’m a corker at coming up with questions.
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Sep 9, 2022
Since all of humanity would fit on my 300 acre farm...
To be clear, you'd need to stack them about half a mile high.

...it does seem a bit vain to think such a small species could accidentally change the climate of a world that’s as old as it is.

I'm not sure what vanity has to do with anything climate related, or the age of the earth for that matter.

Mankind couldn’t have caused all the glaciers to wax and wane over millennia, because we weren’t there.

Well, "we", if you mean Homo Sapiens, have been around for millennia. It's not exactly a mystery why the area where farming first emerged, once referred to as "The Fertile Crescent", is no longer fertile. Humans have always despoiled the environment and annihilated species. It's what we do best, and it's why we're so successful compared to sabre-toothed tigers, mastodons, and giant sloths, for example

As for the waning glaciers, it's happening now because civilization is burning oil, gas, coal, and jet fuel, not to mention trees, forrests, and other "biomass", at an ever increasing rate, every hour of every day, 365 days a year; year in, year out; decade upon decade. I've never understood why anybody would doubt human-caused global warming. It's just common sense. When you burn shit, it gets hot.
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Mar 7, 2013
Well, "we", if you mean Homo Sapiens, have been around for millennia. It's not exactly a mystery why the area where farming first emerged, once referred to as "The Fertile Crescent", is no longer fertile. Humans have always despoiled the environment and annihilated species. It's what we do best, and it's why we're so successful compared to sabre-toothed tigers, mastodons, and giant sloths, for example.

Correlation is not causation.

As for the waning glaciers, it's happening now because civilization is burning oil, gas, coal, and jet fuel, not to mention trees, forrests, and other "biomass", at an ever increasing rate, every hour of every day, 365 days a year; year in, year out; decade upon decade. I've never understood why anybody would doubt human-caused global warming. It's just common sense. When you burn shit, it gets hot.

Aaaaand... again.

Strength of belief---emotion---never makes a good argument.

Human feelings and physical reality do not intersect in any way whatsoever.

The only thing that's unusual is the rate of temperature increase, not the amount---many past periods have been significantly warmer than today---and the reason for the rate has not been determined. The "human interference" explanation has not been established and is just a theory.

In science, "common sense" is meaningless at best, and a good way to make errors at worst. Quantum entanglement is an excellent example. One of the best minds the world has ever known, Albert Einstein, was wrong about it to his dying day. Why? Because of emotional investment. He merely dismissed the idea as "spooky action from a distance," and insisted it "simply made no sense."
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UB 40

Jul 7, 2022
Cologne/ Germany
Correlation is not causation.

Aaaaand... again.

Strength of belief---emotion---never makes a good argument.

Human feelings and physical reality do not intersect in any way whatsoever.

The only thing that's unusual is the rate of temperature increase, not the amount---many past periods have been significantly warmer than today---and the reason for the rate has not been determined. The "human interference" explanation has not been established and is just a theory.

In science, "common sense" is meaningless at best, and a good way to make errors at worst. Quantum entanglement is an excellent example. One of the best minds the world has ever known, Albert Einstein, was wrong about it to his dying day. Why? Because of emotional investment. He merely dismissed the idea as "spooky action from a distance," and insisted it "simply made no sense."

@georged Oh yeah, if this is the right place to discuss some pure home brewed beliefs about global warming then I have to leave this post. I watched the last thread of minimalism you saw in your beloved poker. If you’re going to argue about global warming on the same level it could become either ridiculous or dangerous. Maybe you might also think that witches still have to be burned for heaven’s sake. Sorry man!


Mar 7, 2013
@georged Oh yeah, if this is the right place to discuss some pure home brewed beliefs about global warming then I have to leave this post. I watched the last thread of minimalism you saw in your beloved poker. If you’re going to argue about global warming on the same level it could become either ridiculous or dangerous. Maybe you might also think that witches still have to be burned for heaven’s sake. Sorry man!


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Mar 7, 2013
Ja, so ein reaktionärer Blödsinn macht mich sauer. Mensch, du hast ja den Knall (noch) nicht gehört.

Yes, rage about such a reactionary nonsense.



I haven't the slightest desire to discuss global warming or any "Current Thing" of similar ilk. The subject was dragged in laterally by someone else. Feelings-based science "arguments" are a contradiction in terms, is all, which needed to be pointed out before more of them piled aboard and destroyed the thread.

UB 40

Jul 7, 2022
Cologne/ Germany


I haven't the slightest desire to discuss global warming or any "Current Thing" of similar ilk. The subject was dragged in laterally by someone else. Feelings-based science "arguments" are a contradiction in terms, is all, which needed to be pointed out before more of them piled aboard and destroyed the thread.

For those who want to go deeper into the subject: Climate Change Myths: Sorting Fact from Fiction - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/climate-change-myth

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
To be clear, you'd need to stack them about half a mile high.

I'm not sure what vanity has to do with anything climate related, or the age of the earth for that matter.

Well, "we", if you mean Homo Sapiens, have been around for millennia. It's not exactly a mystery why the area where farming first emerged, once referred to as "The Fertile Crescent", is no longer fertile. Humans have always despoiled the environment and annihilated species. It's what we do best, and it's why we're so successful compared to sabre-toothed tigers, mastodons, and giant sloths, for example

As for the waning glaciers, it's happening now because civilization is burning oil, gas, coal, and jet fuel, not to mention trees, forrests, and other "biomass", at an ever increasing rate, every hour of every day, 365 days a year; year in, year out; decade upon decade. I've never understood why anybody would doubt human-caused global warming. It's just common sense. When you burn shit, it gets hot.
I’m skeptical at best, when I’m not downright cynical.

In the creek beds around my farm are fossilized plants and sometimes little sea creatures to where I know eons ago I’d have been underwater, now I’m about a thousand feet above sea level.

I’m no good at finding them, but the creeks hold arrowheads too, made by artful hands.

There’s even coal in Missouri.

Maybe 15 or so thousand years ago Asians are theorized to have crossed a land bridge across the Bearing Strait.

How did all those animals and plants get over here first?

I’m not a Mormon, but I do like the idea of Missouri being the garden of Eden. They might have placed it a hundred or so miles too far North, but it’s a nice theory.

I don’t argue with either science or religion, but I will say we Christians have a better heavenly reward than merely stopping man made climate change.

Wouldn’t it be awful if the world was entirely convinced the world was warming , and instead we had another ice age?
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May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
If anyone doesn't think there are billions of cavillations out there just waiting to find a back water shit hole like the earth is dreaming.

I agree with George, first contact will be a race like the Borg and then we are totally screwed. Let's not forget if a meteorite the size of Manhattan hits us it will sterilize the planet. If anyone does not see the need for a robust NASA and all the other space agencies then keep your head in the sand and your butt in the air for your anal probing by aliens.
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