The past 15 years I cared what the world thought of me, I had the image I can change that, I couldn't and that got stuck in my mind for a long span of time. What helped for me, as this got me in the way at my profession, my employer hired a personal coach. He has a broad knowledge of the organisation I work in, but also has a psychology degree in which he was able to dig deeper than just seeing the problems I had within the organisation. What I learned from him is being a bit more selfcentred and not giving a rats ass for what others think about subjects you think are important to you. For me, to be sane, I have to be kind of a sociopath in these times. Does this make me more likeable to others? Hell no, but why should they like me more? The people that want to like me, like me now more than they used to and that's what matters.
Does tobacco help with that? In a certain way maybe, the world is anti-abuse of any substance for a bunch of years now and even that was a factor in how the world saw me while I always enjoyed the use of tobacco. In my 20's I used to smoke cigarettes and i'm glad I don't do now anymore, but I always missed tobacco in some other way.
So my advise to you and like some others also said; don't try to solve it yourself, not with the (ab)use of any substance, but seek help at a professional. I was to proud to accept help first (part of my upbringing), but step over that notion getting help is for the weak, it isn't.