Pipe Smoking and Mental Health

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Can't Leave
Dec 29, 2020
People who are aware of their mental health are probably less fraught than people who aren't. Without any particular mental health issues, I think pipe smoking can be one of those rituals of settling down, centering, acknowledging oneself and ones thoughts, and being in the present. We attend to so much clutter and crap and commercialism, it is important to just sit, maybe with a pet, and arrive in ones own awareness. You have to consciously listen to your own thoughts or you won't know what you're thinking.
Well said. ?


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I believe the ritual of smoking a pipe is just as calming as the effect of the tobacco. Packing, lighting and rhythmic puffing combined with the fact that most of us sit still while smoking may induce a semi trance like state. I find myself being more contemplative while smoking in my rocking chair outside and the cares of the world do not intrude for a short while.
I always think about how people will talk about the tea ceremony and how it's the tea and the ritualized focusing of attention and taking the time to appreciate something that could be easily rushed... and how much that reminds me of pipe smoking. It's not just the nicotine or flavors but that easy need to focus on what one is doing. Or in short totally agree.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I’ve been back on the pipe for a couple of months or so, and in that time I’ve not killed anybody or been to the nervous hospital, not even once. Coincidence? I mean it could be the bear grease too - brain food.

In any case, the world is a total shit show at the moment, distress with perplexity, and evil morons at every turn.
that's the world it's always been the world. The shit that has gone on since well even before people is pretty freaking evil in a lot of ways. There are these wasps that lay their eggs in other bugs. That's some down right mean nasty stuff. :)


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 27, 2016
Orlando, FL
As a licensed mental health therapist in private practice, I appreciate this thread so much. And have been laughing my way through it.

Sonething fun to add to the discussion…

When I first started practicing I would imagine with jealousy what it must have been like years ago for pipe smoking therapists to smoke during sessions. How perfect an experience, I thought.

Well, during Covid, most of my appointments have turned into Telehealth appointments. So these days, on occasion, with the right client who doesn’t find it distracting, I’m able to counsel from home all day, or outside on the office balcony, smoking my pipe.

It’s an amazing experience that makes me love what I do even more, and it makes me a better therapist because I listen more and talk less.

Cheers to everyone’s mental health.

P.S. If you can, find a therapist. Totally worth it.


Mar 8, 2021
The Netherlands (Europe)
The past 15 years I cared what the world thought of me, I had the image I can change that, I couldn't and that got stuck in my mind for a long span of time. What helped for me, as this got me in the way at my profession, my employer hired a personal coach. He has a broad knowledge of the organisation I work in, but also has a psychology degree in which he was able to dig deeper than just seeing the problems I had within the organisation. What I learned from him is being a bit more selfcentred and not giving a rats ass for what others think about subjects you think are important to you. For me, to be sane, I have to be kind of a sociopath in these times. Does this make me more likeable to others? Hell no, but why should they like me more? The people that want to like me, like me now more than they used to and that's what matters.

Does tobacco help with that? In a certain way maybe, the world is anti-abuse of any substance for a bunch of years now and even that was a factor in how the world saw me while I always enjoyed the use of tobacco. In my 20's I used to smoke cigarettes and i'm glad I don't do now anymore, but I always missed tobacco in some other way.

So my advise to you and like some others also said; don't try to solve it yourself, not with the (ab)use of any substance, but seek help at a professional. I was to proud to accept help first (part of my upbringing), but step over that notion getting help is for the weak, it isn't.
Jun 25, 2021
As a licensed mental health therapist in private practice, I appreciate this thread so much. And have been laughing my way through it.

Sonething fun to add to the discussion…

When I first started practicing I would imagine with jealousy what it must have been like years ago for pipe smoking therapists to smoke during sessions. How perfect an experience, I thought.

Well, during Covid, most of my appointments have turned into Telehealth appointments. So these days, on occasion, with the right client who doesn’t find it distracting, I’m able to counsel from home all day, or outside on the office balcony, smoking my pipe.

It’s an amazing experience that makes me love what I do even more, and it makes me a better therapist because I listen more and talk less.

Cheers to everyone’s mental health.

P.S. If you can, find a therapist. Totally worth it.
One good friend is worth far more more than all the therapists in the world.
Anyway, what nonsense. We are all therapists, even a light-hearted chat with someone at a bus stop can lift the spirits.
Nobody needs training for that. It's all just part of normal social interaction. A dose of reality and good common sense is needed here


Apr 16, 2014
Bryan, Texas
I barely know where to begin. Pipe smoking has saved me in so many ways, and I can assure you it's not the nicotine because I've had an on again off again issue with cigarettes my whole life and the effect is not the same at all. Cigs seem to be a quick fix Band-Aid, while the pipe and all that goes along with it presents a more solid and long-lasting treatment to what ails me. I won't get into all the nuances of why pipe smoking is good for mental health as many have described above those qualities. I can attest to the fact it works for me, and I'm in a better place because of it. And that's all I have to say about that.
Mar 2, 2021
Alabama USA
One good friend is worth far more more than all the therapists in the world.
Anyway, what nonsense. We are all therapists, even a light-hearted chat with someone at a bus stop can lift the spirits.
Nobody needs training for that. It's all just part of normal social interaction. A dose of reality and good common sense is needed here
I thought he made common sense to use someone educated and then trained to help. It is not something we are born being able to do.


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I must respectfully and gently disagree. Most people I know tend well to their own mental health. A psychiatrist friend always reminds me that his profession isn't really much more than guessing and suggesting. He says it's not really a science, horrors!, mostly by guess and by gosh. I tend to believe him although, I have friends who have been helped by talking things out with a highly trained, listener/suggester.
Mar 2, 2021
Alabama USA
Respectfully as well.

He had to obtain a BS and go to medical school followed by a residency in pyschiatry. He's probably pulling your leg.

Pyschologists are different.

LCSW social workers are social workers trained in counseling.

I would chosen the last two over a good friend and as a good friend, I would suggest the same.

Seems like I remember you are into a form of construction. Would you want me or a trained mechanic working on your "tools of mass construction"?
Jul 14, 2021
Macomb County, Michigan
People who are aware of their mental health are probably less fraught than people who aren't. Without any particular mental health issues, I think pipe smoking can be one of those rituals of settling down, centering, acknowledging oneself and ones thoughts, and being in the present. We attend to so much clutter and crap and commercialism, it is important to just sit, maybe with a pet, and arrive in ones own awareness. You have to consciously listen to your own thoughts or you won't know what you're thinking.
One of the first things I learned in my career, was to never argue with success. You hit the nail on the head, MSO. ?