I believe the Peruvian Monster is a Castello.
pstlpkr Lifer Dec 14, 2009 9,694 31 Birmingham, AL Mar 16, 2010 #183 Phil, I'm so jealous. I have been eyeing that general shape for a while, and pretty much have decided that a "horn" shape was to be my next purchase. Lucky devil... Great find.
Phil, I'm so jealous. I have been eyeing that general shape for a while, and pretty much have decided that a "horn" shape was to be my next purchase. Lucky devil... Great find.
jonesing Part of the Furniture Now Feb 11, 2010 633 2 Mar 16, 2010 #184 The "Monstrosity' is a Parks Pipescreation. I frankly don't get it. Looks like it was assembled with legos. Some of his other stuff is quite nice.
The "Monstrosity' is a Parks Pipescreation. I frankly don't get it. Looks like it was assembled with legos. Some of his other stuff is quite nice.
python Administrator Staff member Apr 8, 2009 3,756 7,293 Maryland pipesmagazine.com Mar 17, 2010 #187 Nice pick ups guys!
ghost45 Starting to Get Obsessed Jan 16, 2010 230 0 Mar 18, 2010 #188 Not one of mine but Dr. Walker has a new Cob design. He calls it The Tuxedo.
bytor Can't Leave Jan 21, 2010 342 2 Washington Mar 18, 2010 #189 That's pretty slick! I've never seen a colored cob before. Do you suppose it is just stained like a normal pipe?
That's pretty slick! I've never seen a colored cob before. Do you suppose it is just stained like a normal pipe?
ghost45 Starting to Get Obsessed Jan 16, 2010 230 0 Mar 18, 2010 #190 No Idea. It is pretty sweet. Although i do not like the white stem
pstlpkr Lifer Dec 14, 2009 9,694 31 Birmingham, AL Mar 18, 2010 #191 Ghost, It seems that the "latest thing" seems to be white stems. Skip at The Briary showed me this new pipe with a two tone stem, last week when I was in there. It is sharp. Skip has been turning out some really high quality pipes. He calls it Tapestry.
Ghost, It seems that the "latest thing" seems to be white stems. Skip at The Briary showed me this new pipe with a two tone stem, last week when I was in there. It is sharp. Skip has been turning out some really high quality pipes. He calls it Tapestry.
pstlpkr Lifer Dec 14, 2009 9,694 31 Birmingham, AL Mar 18, 2010 #195 I love it too. The draft hole is dead center, you can push a pipe cleaner from bit to bowl. But, here's the neatest thing.... the drilling to the bowl is curved. Skip explained the process involved in drilling a curve to me the other day. Pretty cool.
I love it too. The draft hole is dead center, you can push a pipe cleaner from bit to bowl. But, here's the neatest thing.... the drilling to the bowl is curved. Skip explained the process involved in drilling a curve to me the other day. Pretty cool.
ghost45 Starting to Get Obsessed Jan 16, 2010 230 0 Mar 18, 2010 #196 Damn Pstlpkr The Briary seems like a cool tobacco store. How close to Tuscaloosa is it?
pstlpkr Lifer Dec 14, 2009 9,694 31 Birmingham, AL Mar 18, 2010 #197 Oh yeah Ghost, It's awsome It's actually in Hoover, just South of Birmingham. It may take an hour by 20/59 North to 459 East to 65 North, 3rd exit (Oxmore Rd.) two blocks on the left corner. That sounds harder than it is.
Oh yeah Ghost, It's awsome It's actually in Hoover, just South of Birmingham. It may take an hour by 20/59 North to 459 East to 65 North, 3rd exit (Oxmore Rd.) two blocks on the left corner. That sounds harder than it is.
bytor Can't Leave Jan 21, 2010 342 2 Washington Mar 18, 2010 #198 How I envy those of you with real pipe stores to visit! The closest one to me is 200 miles away.
ghost45 Starting to Get Obsessed Jan 16, 2010 230 0 Mar 18, 2010 #199 My Girlfriend used to go to the University of Alabama. If she still went there I could of checked it out when I visited but o well. That seems like a great store they have tins stacked from the floor to the ceiling.
My Girlfriend used to go to the University of Alabama. If she still went there I could of checked it out when I visited but o well. That seems like a great store they have tins stacked from the floor to the ceiling.
pstlpkr Lifer Dec 14, 2009 9,694 31 Birmingham, AL Mar 18, 2010 #200 Arpil 10 Skips sponsoring a "run what ya brung" smoking contest. Last year's winner was about an hour and twenty minutes. I'm going to put my experiments to the test. I don't know what the prize is this year, but I intend to win. My blog: Dottle Diggers
Arpil 10 Skips sponsoring a "run what ya brung" smoking contest. Last year's winner was about an hour and twenty minutes. I'm going to put my experiments to the test. I don't know what the prize is this year, but I intend to win. My blog: Dottle Diggers