One Tobacco To Rule Them All

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Jul 6, 2018
New York
A possible complication with sticking to one blend is that the blend can vary somewhat over time. For example, recent tins of GLP Stonehenge Flake seem to have less topping than ones from a few years ago. Still a great blend ... but a bit blander. I might be wrong, but I would guess that codger blends use more commonly available tobaccos than premium blends and keep their uniformity year to year by using more toppings. I smoked Captain Black White for years. I don't think I would like it as much now as I did then but it would probably taste the same. If you were going to stick to one blend, and wanted it to stay the same, you would probably be safer with a codger blend or one that was consistently topped.


Sep 18, 2021
Western North Carolina
Easy, my one blend would be a blend of plugs, flakes, crumble cakes, coins, and ropes. All sorts of different kinds. Just pick out what you’re in the mood for.

I could never limit myself to one blend, my hunger for different tobaccos is only bested by my hunger
for life.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 10, 2019
North Carolina
If I had to pick one, it would probably be 1Q. I am definitely not a tobacco expert, nor have I tried a lot of different blends. I love the sweetness and mildness of cavendishes. Plus, both smokers and non smokers love the note. I always get compliments when I smoke it.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 19, 2016
Hello all! Been searching the forum and have found answers to this question here and there, but not (from what I could find) in a thread dedicated to it.

For a few different reasons, I'm waning my pipe tobacco down to one blend. I'm currently in the process of determining what that blend will be. I don't have the most discerning palette in the world, most blends please me unless they're too dry. I'm personally looking for something of deep quality, without a lot of added chemicals or flavoring. I do love me some flake tobacco as well.

I'm curious while I'm in my search, if you had to pick ONE blend to rule them all, to smoke for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
McConnell Scottish Flake. Hands down.
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Searock Fan

Oct 22, 2021
Southern U.S.A.
I recently got a shipment of several different blends including some Raleigh. I haven't had any in a while, so I've been smoking some the last couple days.

It's surprising; for a "drug store" blend this stuff is really great. As advertised, it's smooth and doesn't bite with a pleasant flavor. Makes for a good change of pace from the English blends I usually smoke. puffy
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 10, 2019
North Carolina
While I enjoy several different tobacco’s from time to time, I have been smoking Captain Black regularly for 40 years. Either original, royal, or dark. Oddly, Captain Black is the only aromatic I smoke.
I too have enjoyed Capt. Black for years. Love the white pouch. ?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 27, 2019
I don't think I could just pick one blend but if I had to and I could readily find it I would say Esoterica Ramsgate. It's a stoved Virginia with licorice flavoring. I have never had a bad smoke with this blend although it is hard to keep lit at times.
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Nov 14, 2020
For a few different reasons, I'm waning my pipe tobacco down to one blend. I'm currently in the process of determining what that blend will be.

I guess this is what we call; The Daily or All Day Smoker.

Daily all day smoking is certainly a personal preference, but when you start looking at the vast majority of smokers, these blends that become the Daily All Day smoke, aren’t heavy, more like light VA or Burley blends, or a light Aromatic.

So I’m only replying to what you are searching for, because there isn’t one to rule them all. There are just to many great blends, and I don’t eat chicken every day... LOL ?

So for you, look into all the great nice, light all day smoking VA and Burley blends, as a start.

Esoterica has a lot of nice light tasty all day, daily smokers.

A few old favorites people like;

Sir Walter Raleigh
Edward G Robinson

There are hundreds of great blends, just have to read, research and try. :)
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Can't Leave
Dec 29, 2020
A dedicated one-blend smoker is a rare bird indeed. I’m of that genre.

I sample other blends but when I return to Granger, it solidifies my love of this simple blend.

But it seems you are enamored with the “idea” of smoking only one blend and I have to agree with others whom have asked, why?

Granger clicks with me to the point where I have to be in the mood to reach for something else but I didn’t plan it this way.

Yes, I’ve discovered a few blends that would keep me happily smoking if Granger was no longer available, but It wouldn’t be the same.

I’m definitely in the minority on this forum.
I’m with you. Granger is my go to tobacco. I like trying other tobacco but, always return to Granger.
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Dec 15, 2021
I'm fairly new to pipe smoking, and still trying different blends, but my go to tobaccos Shepherd's Pie and Troutstream. If I never had any other but those two, I'd be happy.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 4, 2021
Atlanta, GA
Cigarette smokers often pick one brand and stick with it for ever, so I don’t think it’s too out there to discuss. For economic reasons I’ve been only smoking arango Balkan supreme for a few months and am happy!
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Might Stick Around
Dec 20, 2020
Dallas, TX
I've been smoking The Best of the Rest for quite a while now, and enjoying it; but one only for the rest of my life? Old Ironsides. Go figure. I just love the stuff, though others don't seem to appreciate the notes.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
May 31, 2013
I would be happy with this one blend, the finest I've ever smoked -

Thee Nuns - Made in England Pre 1990's

I hunted for 10 years and managed to secure six tins.
I'm at the end of one of the tins.
Even the dried crumbs at the bottom of the tin are delicious (Sweet, Spicy and Rich)
Even subsequent bowls of another va/per in the same pipe have that three nuns flavor and are delicious.

Of available bends these would keep me happy -

Savinelli Doblone d'Oro
Peter Stokkebye's Luxury Bullseye Flake
Macbarens Old Dark Fired
Macbarens Original Choice
GLP Quiet Nights
My Mixture 965

Happy smokes - TimPiper
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