Not To Offend, But, Are Pipe Smokers Thin Skinned Panty Bunchers?

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Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
Having served in the military from 1972 to 1993, I have learned there are so many more important things to worry about than comments made on a pipe forum but people with over-inflated opinions of their opinions.
Sage advice from an old Chief Petty Officer that I learned - "If it doesn't affect your paycheck, it ain't worth worrying about."



Sep 8, 2014
Moody, AL
people with over-inflated opinions of their opinions.
If opinions are opinions, can one truly have an over inflated opinion of their opinions? Is that your over inflated opinion of opinions? ;)



Dec 19, 2016
Hi, I'm back. Interesting day yesterday, went to the doctors and when I came out, car would not run. It started, ran bad, went about 15 feet and died.
Waited about an hour and a half for the tow truck that came from across town then when he got near my garage he told me he was out of diesel! Was on fumes and HAD to get some! So we drove past my garage twice looking for diesel going to four different stations before getting it. Got to the garage around 8PM long after closing and one of the owners was still there! The tow driver was nice enough to drive me home.
Well, I see the self-flagellation has continued and I too have been duly whipped. Actually, I meant no disparagement of the thread in saying not to worry about offending me! But if it makes anyone feel any better, I will say that my hoitie-toities are too in a tangle about my neck! *hack* *choke* I think we all need a little break so, let me take this brief moment to pause for station identification and a very short, diversionary interlude to remind us of more important things:

There. I feel so much better now. How about you? At any rate, we are only as thin-skinned as we let ourselves appear to be. I think some of the recent threads by new members mostly are just a little ill-conceived, perhaps some others are trolling deliberately to get a rise out of people, and the rest of us just plain bored with the time of year waiting for better weather to arrive, nervousness about blends disappearing, and the general insanity of the world and political arena of our leaders rubbing off on us a little!
Carry on!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 30, 2014
Here is something that does gets me.
A new poster asks a question that is asked all the time.
Then some wise a$$ jumps them about not using the search function or not reading the forum or whatever.
Its a pipe forum! There is only so much to talk about, so what if we discuss the same thing every time you turn around. Its A PIPE FORUM!
If your life is so exciting you don't have the time to talk about the same thing now and again, you shouldn't have time to even visit A PIPE FORUM... :lol:
I love it when people take themselves to seriously, and I absolutely can not resist making fun of them for it.



Dec 19, 2016
Well actually Seagull, before I actually joined, I spent a great deal of time looking back through the threads trying to find answers to specific things I was curious about. I still do that today, asking questions mainly when I can't find any other thread covering what I want to know, it is both a matter of courtesy as well as making the archives better, less redundant, and more relevant--- might as well delete old topics if we are not going to use them.
I've seen topics of basic pipe care asked over and over in just the short time I've been here. If people don't mind writing long, detailed replies to the same things repeatedly, that is great, but I think its fine if they just link me to some past thread as well.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I simply ignore those that are unable to figure out or, are simply too lazy to use the search function. This has nothing to do with how I value and use my time and everything to do with boredom. I do look kindly on those members who, politely and without sarcasm or a judgemental approach, suggest the use of the search function.
Such questions denote, to me, a lack of consideration for other member's time or, and more likely, an unwillingness to spend their precious time searching for answers. I'm not trying to build post count and so do not iterate and reiterate the same information. There are other more stimulating posts to read such as, the great sandwich debate and the what are you reading, eating, drinking, Peterson production problems, Royal Yacht, the efficacy of the pipe, pants v no pants, etc posts. Seriously, sometimes one of those threads will degenerate into simple hilarity and nonsense. And... I am always ready to devote my precious time to hilarity and nonsense.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 29, 2012
Albany, Oregon
There's also that great thread about how the Captain was able to ease some of the dings in his Peterson, everything I've ever seen the Old Cajun post (lot of respect for those), and sandwiches are one of my favorite food groups. Is it a food group? I had a point a minute ago. Oh yeah, I agree, there's good reading here.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
A new poster asks a question that is asked all the time.
Then some wise a$$ jumps them about not using the search function or not reading the forum or whatever.
Actually that is specifically not OK to just send someone to elfin ' google it.... See: GUIDELINES linked HERE.
Linking to threads on the very question "is a good thing" Thanks, Martha Stewart!!


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Actually, they started out with 72 tins, someone got more than me. Now I'm offended.



Nov 13, 2012
Captain, you're an SOB too.
too lazy to use the search function
Then some wise a$$ jumps them about not using the search function
Do you mean the search function that doesn't return valid results? lol
They're better off asking the google.



Sep 8, 2014
Moody, AL
I can't work and am on disability, but thanks very much for bringing up a very painful subject :)
I see it as a government job which requires I post here and waste your time and tests your patience. You pay good money for me to do this job and I don't want to waste it.



Dec 19, 2016
warren - I think a lot of it is the laziness of the modern web-trouser. No one thinks anymore for themselves or solves their own problems in the general world. They get on the web with their pocket phone and look for someone to give it to them free and instantly.
No long years of hard work learning the ins and outs of something anymore. People used to take pride in doing for themselves.
Yeah, the search function might not be great, but what I did is just spend a little time looking at the titles of old threads, picking ones that sounded good and reading through the thread to see if there was anything there relevant.
Sometimes I got lucky and sometimes not, but along the way I learned things. I'm old enough to realize that I'm entitled to air. Other than that, getting anything else including good information is largely a privilege.



Apr 30, 2014
Well, I'll have to say one good thing about you, toobfreak.
You do have the "boobbreak" down pat.

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