I simply ignore those that are unable to figure out or, are simply too lazy to use the search function. This has nothing to do with how I value and use my time and everything to do with boredom. I do look kindly on those members who, politely and without sarcasm or a judgemental approach, suggest the use of the search function.
Such questions denote, to me, a lack of consideration for other member's time or, and more likely, an unwillingness to spend their precious time searching for answers. I'm not trying to build post count and so do not iterate and reiterate the same information. There are other more stimulating posts to read such as, the great sandwich debate and the what are you reading, eating, drinking, Peterson production problems, Royal Yacht, the efficacy of the pipe, pants v no pants, etc posts. Seriously, sometimes one of those threads will degenerate into simple hilarity and nonsense. And... I am always ready to devote my precious time to hilarity and nonsense.