"Synthetic doesn't involve tobacco." The poster was speaking to "tobacco" prohibitions.
My mistake, I thought we were discussing tobacco usage. So conflate we will and damn a cogent discussion. I say tomatoes should be prohibited as everyone who eats a tomato today, will be dead by 2120. Risky behavior eating tomatoes is! Ban 'em! Snickers bars and Buffalo Wings too.
"The reason why it might be problematic if it's synthetic nicotine is, that all too often synthetic drugs carry many deadly side effects which are not present in the use of the natural (and unpatentable [sic]) natural one.''
Tobacco is really only dangerous when ignited and the carcinogens are absorbed. Granted, nicotine in the blood does displace oxygen which is not efficacious of course.
Regulations already exist prohibiting idling vehicles in certain weather. Vehicle prohibition also exists under certain climatic conditions in certain areas. Nothing new with that. But, the OP was addressing smoking, again I write "smoking", at VA facilities.
I suppose, as smoking is indefensible anywhere at anytime other than as a manifestation of the smoker's selfish choices, the scope of the discussion must be widened, sometimes into absurdity.