@Ahi Ka I don’t know if will care to involve yourself in this matter, but this is a perfect example of Government trying to tell people how to live their life, and they have no rights!
The only way this happens around the world, is when people give up their rights to be free, and allow Government to control them.
It should be said around the world in all countries;
“The job of Government is to run a country, not people”!
Forgot all the conversations that sit on government tables that they discuss, why they are supposedly doing what they do. Because all of the reasons of this, that, if, ands, buts and whys, etc., as the reasons, they don’t matter!
The only thing that ever matters, and should always be the real topic of discussions, is that you are trying to control us, and tell us how to live, and no person has that right, and no person is above any other person, and government certainly isn’t above the people. Governments are suppose to be by the people for the people, doing what we tell them, they work for us, not the other way around!
Bottom Line: The second governments around the world start pulling their nonsense on people, the Freedom Fighters in those countries, hopefully with the smartest lawyers, fight for their people and freedoms to be free and choose!
Here’s to hoping NZ always lives Free!