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Apr 7, 2013
Athens, Greece
Hello everyone

My name is Lefteris and living in Athens,Greece.

I've been pipe smoking for 2 years and for now my favorite tobacco is Golden sliced


Apr 7, 2013
Greetings everyone

I'm what you'd call an old codger smoker I prefer my OTC tubs of PA and the likes. I am a bit of a budget collector of pipes mostly what ever catches my eye and smokes good.I do like to venture out and try new tobacco blends and such. I do hope you all will bear with this old dog and share your experiences . Thank you

Apr 7, 2013
I dont know if this is the right forum but if anyone has any web sites etc that offer free samples of tobacco or pipe related items Id be appreciative for links.I'm looking forward to expanding my tastes. Thanx



Apr 9, 2013
Clayton here, from the Heart of Oklahoma.

I have enjoyed tobacco from an age most would deem inappropriate, played around with pipes in my youth but never took it seriously. About six months ago I took up the pipe once again, this time in earnest. I have come to love everything about pipes, the hunt for the perfect blend, the perfect pipe and perfecting my technique. I have come to realize that if my first bowl had been a Latakia blend and not Captain black I would have about twenty years of pipe bliss under my belt.



Might Stick Around
Apr 10, 2013
Greetings, everyone! I'm Gary, from upstate New York. I've been a pipe smoker, on and off, for roughly 40 years-- regularly for the past 10 years. I like trying all kinds of different tobaccos, but am partial to English mixtures and straight Virginias. As in any worthwhile endeavor, there are always new things to learn and discover about pipe smoking, and I'm looking forward to hearing what my fellow Forum members have to say about pipes, tobaccos and pipe smoking.



Might Stick Around
Apr 11, 2013
Greetings all. I am an Ex-pat living in the States, I moved here from England some 20 odd years ago. I am brand new to the pipe smoking world, but watched my Grandfather smoke one for years, and always said "one day, I'm going to give that a try". Well a couple of days ago I did, and immediately regretted not taking the time to try earlier. I look forward to the many hours spent on here learning the tricks of the trade and trying the many different things you all suggest.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 9, 2013
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
I'm so brand new that I do not yet own a pipe, however I have been smoking various forms of tobacco for years. My better half is taking me to my local tobaccanist tonight to purchase my very first pipe for my birthday. He is an experienced pipe smoker, and I feel that he is an excellent mentor and friend. To say that I'm excited to be joining the ranks of such a cultured and elite group of people would be an understatement. I've always loved pipes and pipe tobacco when around it, just never occured to me to try it myself I go!
I was hesitant to post anything on the forums due to my lack of ability to contribute more than basic questions and drivel, but I thought I would at least have the good manners to introduce myself. :D



Can't Leave
Apr 12, 2013
Time to introduce myself:

I've been following the pipe forums for quite a bit of time, and for all of this time I've never joined in. Recently however, there have been a few posts that really struck a chord with me, and felt the need to join this forum. It is after all a place to discuss all things pipes.

I've been a smoker since I was twelve, and last year I quit smoking cigarettes, but I tell my wife that I haven't quit smoking. I took up pipe smoking and it has now become a relative passion and great hobby of mine. Coming from a distinguished career in the Food and Beverage Industry, I appreciate artisan crafting and taste, and I find this hobby allows me to enjoy those attributes found in collecting pipes and smoking tobacco.

As a Canadian, it is so very difficult to enjoy tobacco and products here, even though I live in the largest city in Canada. With the taxes and general views on tobacco smoke, I envy those with easy access to pipes and tobacco at fair prices. So far my collection sits at around 50 pipes, and I look forward to the day when I have reached a goal of 365 for each day for a massive rotation to end all rotations. As for tobacco, I am strictly a Virginian. Having smoked cigarettes for my entire adult life, I get drawn into the taste of a sweet Virginian leaf. As I sit in my little cave devoted (secluded, exiled) to smoking, I appreciate a good wifi signal and surrounded by my pipes and tobacco and Honeywell smoke-eater, I type, smoke, and enjoy.

I figure there are so many posts to comment on, that I just had to join and jump in on a few posts.

I look forward to learning, contributing, and stir things up a bit.




Might Stick Around
Apr 9, 2013
Well I am a little late in posting here. Just found this place a couple of weeks ago. Started smoking pipes in 68. Tried a couple of standard blends that I did not like and found a heavy latakia blend and was hooked. Then found Balkan Sobranie and then the 759 that was my standard. went through kilos over the years since it was my mainstay. then found McClelland's #14 and Bengal Slices and then an friend and colleague one of the keyboard players of the Dead that i use to hang with and play a concert with turned me on to Dunhill's my mixture A7859. the 759, #14, and A7859 was all I smoked until 17 years ago - due to medical and other scenes i quite. I was fortunate to have every pipe from my 2nd on to be one of a kind handmade high end Grecian briars and a few super Meerschaums. It was a beautiful collection. then gave most away and finally gave the last 5 of the best away to my student who ended up pawning them instead of enjoying them. He had some $10 pipe and I felt bad; but lost out when I tired to be nice. So I missed the taste of the Dunhill and the 14 and 759 only to find out that 2of the 3 are gone as well as bengal. Damn. just had my old pipemaker make me a nice pipe and bought a Tim West Beaut and a decent meer; though not as big and nice as my two older ones. So here I am.



Jan 16, 2012
Eatonville, WA
Welcome to all the new pipers joining. It's been a while since I got on here and figured its kinda like I am a has been noob. Can't wait to talk to all as this is the best pipe forum in the world.



Apr 17, 2013
Hi. Noob piper here. Just started a month ago and really enjoying it. I picked up a few nice Vauen briars and a few MM cobs for testing. Still trying as many good baccys as I can to find what I like. Im 33 and live in Nashville TN. Look forward to chattin with everyone on the forums



Apr 18, 2013
Hey all new to piping I picked up my first set-up last weekend at the triangle area pipe smokers expo here in NC grabbed me a Nording freehand rustic and some C&D nutty Irishman. I a medically retired vet, needing a change from cigars and something to pipes came to mind and I hit the interwebz and found this site. I lurked here for weeks soaking info . I like it here already



Apr 20, 2013
New member here. Been smoking a pipe on and off for a few years. Found the site through the radio show/podcast.



Apr 22, 2013

My name is Michael Loring, son of the late John C Loring. My interest in the hobby has grown since my late father passed, and over the years I have had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know some of my father's greatest friends in the community. Though I do not believe my father ever had an account here, I figured the best way to crawl my way into the community was through a respected forum.



Apr 23, 2013
Hi, I'm Alex. I live in Brooklyn and picked up the habit from my uncle who's been smoking a pipe since he was a kid. I read the romeowood article today and decided to join after lurking on the site for a long time. I've gotten so much great advice and tips here, and found where to buy good tobacco a lot cheaper then New York. Thank you for all the help!

Apr 23, 2013
Hello all!

I'm Cory and i recently started smoking a pipe when i purchased a Jobey in January.

I am 19 and attending college and hope to learn more about pipe smoking through this forum!

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