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Jan 8, 2013
Hello, I am a new pip smoker after smoking cigars for 5 years. I thought it would be something new to try and I have fallen in love with this new hobby. At the moment I am using a Missouri Meerschaum but hoping to upgrade really soon and looking for suggestions on both pipes and blends. Being a Canadian I have realized that tobacco here is so much more than online so I'm always looking for online recommendations as well.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 29, 2012
Hello all,
I am new to the forum and pipe smoking. I bought a couple of Meerschaums in 2008 on my deployment to Iraq and decided it was time to learn how to use it.



Might Stick Around
Jan 10, 2013
Hello Every1,
I am new to the forum and to the brotherhood of the briar. I originally picked up pipe smoking back in 2006 before I went into the Marine Corps, didn't smoke at all through out my contract. And now I have picked it back up again. I ended up picking up a Dr. Grabow about a week ago and haven't put it down



Jan 11, 2013
Hello everyone,
I'm fresh to the pipe world but have been smoking cigars for a bit now. I just turned 29 last year. Funny how it goes.. First I started drinking scotch (and sometimes bourbon) then thought "how about a nice cigar to compliment my scotch" then as I explored more of the "older" ways of doing things I started wet shaving with a safety razor. Next thing I know I'm at the local tobacconist buying my first pipe. Gosh I sure hope this cycle stops before I'm in suspenders :D . Anyways here I am ready to try and pick up the subtlety of these new mechanics. Pipe smoking is one of those hobbies (much like fishing) where it seems the more you learn the less you realize you know. So please all you veteran pipe smokers out there lay some good mojo on me cause as much as I'm enjoying this new hobby I'm having a hell of a time just keeping my pipe lit.




Jan 12, 2013
Hello to everyone. Hope your year is off to a nice start. I'm CJ, 30 years old from Tennessee. I've never been a regular pipe smoker, but I do enjoy them when I get the chance. I generally prefer a nice mellow "night cap" sort of blend when it comes tobacco. When it comes to pipes, I prefer to look for somewhat of a unique look. That brings me to a question. Could anyone help me find out more about what sort of pipe it is I'm currently using or direct me toward a thread or other resource that may help me figure it out.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 28, 2012
Welcome all great place for information and to meet great people and just hang out and learn.



Jan 6, 2013
Hi everybody,

I joined this forum a week or so ago, but here I am to formally introduce myself.

I am James and I come from New Zealand.

I like to play around in the shed and see what i can knock together, decided to make a pipe. Here it is. This is version 2.0. I reshaped the mouth part because the original version did not sit very well.



This timber in called Rimu, its native to NZ and it used to be a common building material. However, it is now hard to come by and quite expensive. This piece was an old handrail from a demolished motel. I gauge it at at-least 100 years old.

Being very amature I cut the basic shape out with a jigsaw and then filed and sanded then obviously had an attempt at rusticating it. I'm fairly happy with it and am looking forward to seeing how well or if at all it smokes!

Jan 8, 2013
Well I've been on the forum for a few days, and I suppose I better go ahead and introduce myself to those who have seen me lurking around here and there. My name is Anthony, and I'm totally new pipe smoking. Doing pretty good so far I believe. Even with my first smoke, I've had 45 to 60 minute smokes and have never had to relight more than twice. I guess I'm a natural. I'm just a normal Jo working a full time job in a meat department at a grocery store. But I'm also a writer working on my first novel, a fantasy. My love for fantasy, in a way helped move me into the pipe smoking world. There's an awful lot of pipe smokers in those amazing fantasy stories. About a week into pipe smoking, I've discovered I really enjoy it. I've grown to love sitting outside with a hot coffee with irish cream in one hand and my pipe in the other, just smoking and thinking about nothing in particular. That being said, I'm loving this forum. The members have all been very kind and willing to help out when asked questions, or just respond to some random topic that I may have put up. Thanks all, for the warm welcome. Happy smokin'



Jan 8, 2013
Hello everyone. Very new pipe smoker from Salida, CA (only one bowl in so far) and can't wait to see where this experience takes me. As a kid I always loved the smell of pipe tobacco and thought it would be something I would get into when I "grew up". About one month ago I'm driving around and see a city worker smoking a huge pipe while on the job and it inspired me to start. I joined up because a lot of my internet searches brought me here and found the conversations to be informative and patient with newcomers. Cheers!



Sep 5, 2012
Hello guys and girls, I'm a 36 years old french and live near the atlantic ocean (la Rochelle). I began to smoke pipe when I was young but that was not a good experience... bad tobacco. I started again to smoke 6 months ago and when I discovered a french forum about pipe with gentle who give me instruction to choice better tobacco and for now it's a great adventure. I smoke regulary Semois in a Savinelli and will soon buy other tobacco. Sorry for my so bad english, it's easy for me to read it but not to speak.

Best regards,



Jan 16, 2013
Hello folks,

I'm Jason in Maryland. Been smoking, collecting, restoring and reselling pipes for 13 years. Not new to pipes, but just recently getting into the forums for some camaraderie.



Jan 19, 2013
Long-time lurker crawling out of the woodwork.
I've been collecting pipes for about three years now and am only an occasional smoker. I lived as an exchange student in Japan for a year. When I returned to America my friends gifted me with a churchwarden basket pipe. I was very cruel to that poor pipe but it taught me many lessons.
Two years ago I purchased my second pipe, an Andreas Bauer Calabash, and I have had major bouts of PAD ever since. I've discovered that I love estate pipes. I had some good luck at a local antique mall and have been working on learning how to restore them. My pipe collection stands at twenty two right now... but there must always be more.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 12, 2013
Hello! I'm Sean from Maine. Flake lover. I've only recently discovered Samuel Gawith, and good lord. I may have found true love in the 1792 (and to a slightly lesser extent with the Best Brown). With many opportunities for affairs with my (also) beloved lat blends, of course. Mmmboy 3 Oaks.
Nice to meetcha.



Jan 20, 2013
Greetings, I am a two week pipe smoker and have tried only a few tobaccos. In general, I am loving the hobby. I was attracted to the hobby by the promised peaceful times and deep reflection, only to find out that I was not thinking about anything at all while smoking, and that, it turns out, is just as good. Cheers.



Jan 20, 2013
Greetings all,
My name is Bill and I'm a seventeen year resident of Charlotte, NC. I've smoked pipes on and off since the early eighties and have just recently come off a seven year non-smoking hiatus. I've had that "itch" for the past year and finally had to scratch. I actually thought I had thrown my pipe smoking equipment away until that little voice inside my head told me to check some boxes in the garage, the one marked "pipes". It was almost like a family reunion. So I'm back in the fold and looking forward to catching up on relaxing smoke.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 15, 2013
Howdy, Pete here. I just started smoking a pipe and I have managed to pick up a few already, I especially enjoy puffing away while I walk my dog. I retired in 2002 and I've been moving around a little since retirement. I started in the mountains of Colorado. I have a place overlooking Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, and after selling the house in Colorado I've purchased here in Lovely Teton Valley Idaho. I live alone but I'm putting in a smoking room in the basement for indoor enjoyment. I'm looking forward to being a member here.



Jan 21, 2013
Hello everyone, my name is Dean and I used centaurd as my username. Long story short that was my photography forum handle since '04. Just got into pipes and tobacco 2 weeks ago and I know I'm on the right track because I found here! Still reading and learning till I have enough to ask questions. I'm in Los Angeles, California and originally from Taiwan.
I have three pipes and tobacco coming my way, a hand-made bamboo pipe from Taiwan, a Mr. Brog 48W ChoChla and a Ferndown Poker pipe. First time I tried pipe smoking was back in '07 and I had a GBD filtered pipe, didn't have friends to share and too busy with work so it didn't last long. I'm sure I will thus time tho.

Jan 22, 2013
Hello, my name is dug, but since I am a sometime jazz musician/trumpet player, I chose the moniker "dizzieranddizzer" after the great pipe smoker/trumpet player Dizzy Gillespie. A good friend of mine in Chicago introduced me to pipe smoking some years back ('04), but only decided to purchase my first pipe/bulk tobacco in December.
I'm also a composer, visual artist, and fiction writer. Any other creative people on here?

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