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Can't Leave
Jul 9, 2012
Hello all,
I just wanted to chime in and introduce myself. I'm Fred from Denver and have been smoking a pipe for about 10 days now. I had a couple of my dads old pipes for years and a friend of mine told me try some Hobbits Weed from Tewksbury here in town. I dusted off one of the pipes and have been enjoying it nightly pretty much ever since. I've decided to learn more and I've always found forums are the best way to share and gather knowledge. I'm still learning pipe styles and such. I believe I'm using a variation of The Prince and the other I believe is a Half Bent. One of these days I'll try another blend and when I do I'll start both here and with the fine folks at Tewksbury. Anyway, I look forward to a lot of fine reading and interacting with another great forum. Cheer all.



Jun 27, 2012

Figured I'd start with the pipes. I've been lurking here awhile and figured it was time to at least post some pipe pics. I've gone from dip, to cowboy killers, to cigars, and now I've landed in pipes. I love the ritualistic aspects, sensory/memory jogs, and relaxation I get from smoking my pipe. I like to go out on the porch at midnight and smoke a bowl before bed. Sometimes my mind wanders over the day, sometimes I think about the next day, and sometimes I just zone out and instead of smoking it's more like a breathing exercise. Too me smoking has always had a calming effect on me. I lead a hectic (but good) life and the time I set aside for my pipe helps me slow it down and add perspective.
I started with a Corncob my wife got me for Father's day and a shed load of bulk tobaccos. Since then I've grabbed a few pipes off ebay and from my Father. I tend to be frugal (just paid off my 2nd car!) and I enjoy things that have history to them.
Anyway I have to say this is one of the best online communities I've seen and now I'm more then happy to be a part of it. Onto the pipes!
The Peterson Bulldog came by the way of my father. He's had some health issues the past year (years!, stubborn old man) and decided to stop smoking. I agreed to take it off his hands to aid in his recovery...heh. I really like a way it feels and I even wrote a loving melodramatic tumblr post to it. I'll have to have a few Gin and Tonics before I decide to post it or not.
The Boswell is actually a Christmas pipe I bought for my dad back in 2000. They were apparently made for the Tinder Box here in South Bend (and neighboring Mishawaka) Indiana. I didn't know anything about pipes when I bought it, but the shop keeper steered me in it's direction. I'm glad he did. I smoked it last night for the first time and it felt very comfortable. I'm not passing judgement yet, we need to get better acquainted.
The Aldo Velani is actually my first non-corncob pipe. I bought it off ebay for a fair price and it was amazing how different it felt smoking it. I really love the way it smokes, it gives me this huge draw and it feels perfect in my hand. Its so round, it just fits.
The Bumpa's Pipe is actually a Caroleer or something close to it (hard to read the stamping). I don't smoke it. I haven't been able to track down much info on it, but it holds a huge place in my memories since it belonged to my Grandfather. My Grandfather was one of "those grandfathers" who always had a pipe lit or unlit in his mouth. As a kid I'd always sit and look and hold his pipes. After he died I remember walking through his house and asking my mom if I could have one of them and picked that one. It's chewed up, caked up, cracked, and probably not worth any money but it's priceless to me.
Mr. Brog. I was buying my wife some books via Amazon and got a wild hair and picked it up. When she saw it she rolled her eyes at me and called me a crack addict. I told her I only ordered it because it was Polish (she's Polish on her mother's side). She's a nurse, you'd think she'd know about PAD. I've never smoked it. I honestly wouldn't have bought it if I knew my father was going to unload a couple of pipes on me. Of course that doesn't mean I'll get rid of it. I have to smoke it. Someone went through all the trouble to make it.
An Old Meer. Exactly that. I took a gamble on it via ebay. The carving on it is pretty rough and unpolished and I'm not a fan of the screw in stem. It feels like it restricts the draw, but honestly the more I smoke it the more I like it. It won't win any beauty pageants but for where I'm at I'm enjoying it. I tend to be attracted to things with character.
The estate pipes are a few odds and ends I've somehow attracted over the years. Dunno how.
Anyway, those are my pipes. They're a little bit random and awkward in my acquiring them, but that works for me.



Jul 8, 2012
Philadelphia area
Hello! My name is John, my family lives in Philly, I work in Chicago, unfortunately, so to take up some time in the evenings, I just started back to the pipe after a 30 year layoff since my college days.
I started with a MM, but my son mailed a couple briars and I just got this beauty on eBay, it should be here in a day or two.

I have 4 Dunhill tins here and about 5-6 more tins of various things are on the way, as well.



Jul 8, 2012
Philadelphia area
By the way, the avatar system is a mess, won't work for me for some reason. I'm using FireFox. I'm used to avatars, I have them on a bunch of sites, can't figure out what the issue is here.



Jul 11, 2012
Hey Guys, Just started smoking my pipe yesterday!

I joined this site to get some help and chat with other classy smokers.

Any tips for a new smoker?

Greetings to all!
Long time pipe smoker here and from a long line of pipe smokers (at least 4 generations). Introduced to it by my dad when I was still in high school (1970s). Started smoking my dad's Borkum Riff in the many pipes from his inventory (from Dr. Grabow to Savinellis). I now own most of those pipes that I started on many years ago. Live in Jacksonville, Florida but originally from Maine. Enjoy a variety of tobaccos, from light aromatics to heavy latakia blends. Have become aware over the past several years that the pipe smoking brotherhood seems to be dwindling. To reverse that trend, I introduced the art to my son and a few of his friends who have shown interest. Also indoctrinated my son-in-law to the briar brotherhood. He is worthy student of the art who - thankfully - wants my new granddaughter to be raised in a house where the scent and sight of a pipe smoker symbolizes home and hearth.
When my pipe burns bright and clear,

The gods I need not envy here;

And as the smoke fades in the wind,

Our fleeting life it brings to mind.
Noble weed that comforts life,

And art with calmest pleasures rife;

Heaven grant thee sun and rain,

And to thy planter health and gain.
Through thee, friend of my solitude,

With hope and patience I'm imbued;

Deep sinks thy power within my heart,

And cares and sorrows all depart.
Then let non-smokers rail forever,

Shall their hard words true friends dissever?

Pleasure's too rare to cast away,

My pipe, for what the railers say!
When love grows cool, thy fire still warms me,

When friends are fled, thy presence charms me;

If thou art full, though purse be bare,

I smoke and cast away all care!

-German Folk Song​



Jul 12, 2012
Hi everyone.Im Chris.Im from Tennessee.Im still waiting on my first pipe to come in the mail.Its a cheap F.E.S.S Churchwarden because Macqueen has a 3 month wait one the pipes i want.I did recieve my middle earth series sampler pack today.Cant wait to try out the pipe and just relax and just contemplate the breeze and the crickets while sitting on the porch swing watching the moon rise.



Jul 13, 2012
Just joined, think I broke one of the rules a minute ago. I am guilty. I always had that bad habit of jumping into things and not reading the instructions. I hope one day when I grow up I will break that bad habit. Used to smoke pipes years ago. Have not smoked in years. I am looking around hoping I can find post I might contribute to, So I could get my 50 post. Not being active for so many years I have kind of dropped out of the loop.



Might Stick Around
Jul 12, 2012
Hey Everyone!

I'm Kurt Lawton, from the midwest. Wisconsin to be exact. I've been smoking pipes for about a year now. Used to be a cigar smoker, but I've found that pipe smoking seems to be more personal and it's quite a bit cheaper! Also, I've found there is a lot more variety of flavors (at least distinguishable to my palate). My screen name of "dirtybearpipes" comes from a hobby I have started this summer. I make and sell pipes as kinda a fun side job, i named my small "business" Dirty Bear Pipes. I have a lot to learn about pipe smoking, so I'm very excited to be a member of this forum. Thank you to whoever makes this possible!



Jul 14, 2012
Fontana, CA
Hello Everyone!
My name is Cole and I live in California. I've been pipe smoking since February 2012, although I've started off smoking cigars for a year in prior to pipe smoking (Although they are the "cheapo" brands if my understanding is correct). I enjoy pipe smoking since it is pretty relaxing and I can puff away for a longer time period compared to me smoking cigars. I am still pretty green in both smoking hobbies and I would like to know more about the pipe smoking hobby.

I decided to join this forum because, like most people in this thread would say, I kept on finding this forum in my google searches/"pipe research" and the people are very welcoming (got friend requests before I even introduced myself) and very knowledgeable about this hobby.

As for the explanation of my screen/username, which I had hoped to simply use "That Beetle Guy", I am an entomologist (as a career and a hobby) and I have a particular interest for beetles (Order Coleoptera). So if anyone finds an oddball insect while they're smoking their pipes and they want it identified, feel free to send me pictures and I'll try my best to identify them 8) (And if I can't, I know people who will).

Hopefully I can visit this forum often enough (answer or ask questions) and if you have questions, ask away.



Jul 14, 2012
Fontana, CA
I noticed that some folks were curious about what kind of pipes the newcomers have, so here is my current collection :puffy: :


Yikes! 8O it turned out too large, oh well.



Jul 15, 2012
Greetings & Salutations,

I'm mrz2u2 and I hail from the great state of Texas.

I've been a pipe smoker on and off since my college days over 35 years ago. I recently went through my collection of pipes and tobacco and was surprised that it was larger than I realized. I have a variety of 9 different pipes and over 2 dozen different flavors of tobacco. I enjoy the taste and aroma of mildly delicious flavored tobaccos. I have found that women more enjoy the the aroma of a mild pipe tobacco over that of a fine cigar. I enjoy sipping a wonderful adult libation with my tobacco whether it be a good whiskey, bourbon or scotch and paring it with a fine micro-brew is a tasty choice also. I prefer bent pipes over straight because they just look cool. I have a Nording churchwarden which is my favorite, a Lorenzo prototype poker sitter as my most unique and a Douglas MacArthur tall finished corncob and an original Dr Grabow Omega blasted briar from the 1970's. I'll get a picture of my pipes and assortment of tobacco's for your viewing pleasure at a later post. Thanks for having aboard.



Jul 16, 2012
Hey I'm Todd, came here cuz I'm apparently part of a box pass. (These things happen...)
Anyway, I'm a pipemaker by night, carpenter by day. is my site but don't go there cuz I got nothing for sale right now.
Glad to be here - will light up and peruse the board a bit.



Jul 16, 2012
Hello all!
I'm Matt from the Hudson Valley in New York. I've been smoking pipes on and off for about 6 years, but have found a new appreciation as of late and am looking for general information and a place for good references. I also am keen to seek information and opinions about certain pipes and tobaccos, so I look forward to the input of others. I'll upload pictures of my pipes as soon as my camera is repaired!



Jul 17, 2012
Hi all! I'm Sam. I'm pretty new to the pipe hobby. Well, I've been smoking a pipe semi-regularly for maybe a bit over 3 years, but I'm just recently getting more into it, and learning more about pipes and tobacco. I'm a college student. I live in Portland, Oregon, and I grew up in NYC. I went to a meeting of the Seattle Pipe Club, as well as their last annual dinner, and I think the pipe community is really cool!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 19, 2012
Hi all! I'm relatively new to the pipe hobby, but am loving every puff so far! I joined the forum because I was looking for some pointers (comes along with being a noob), as well as to be a part of an awesome group of individuals that have the same awesome hobby.
Keep smoking!

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