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Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 5, 2011
First, Welcome to the new guys from another new guy!

I am a Tube amp guy. Cary electronics driving Thiel Speakers. Have a Yamaha CD player that is quite obscure. 22 lbs of machined aluminum, with several power supplies for the digital and analog sides, copper lined chassis, etc. Also have a great Thorens Turntable. You know, all that stuff that makes audiophiles drool. Cabling is a combo of Nordost and Acrotec.

I was one of Nordost's very early customers, so they treated me right.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 23, 2011
Hello all. I hope I'm doing this correctly. I'm new to pipe smoking and I am really enjoying this new "hobby". I live in Canada so I thought it would be appropriate to purchase a Canadian made Brigham to start. Within 1 week, this led me to another Brigham at my local tobacconist.....I'm already thinking about many other pipes that I like the look of on the net. I have smoked Cuban and non Cuban cigars for years and I'm really glad I have found the joy in pipe smoking as I find I'm thinking about the pipe more than my cigars these days. I hope to be a part of these forums for many years to come. Cheers



Oct 31, 2011
East Indiana
Hello, I have been looking for a place to talk to other pipe smokers and generally enrich my knowledge of pipes and pipe tobacco. I have been on 'tobacco reviews' for about 5 years and have been smoking a pipe for about 20 years. I enjoy all types of pipe tobacco, but I am primarily an English smoker. Some of my fav. tobaccos are Charing Cross, Our Best Blend, 965, Larsens Signature and Old Gowrie. I also enjoy codger burleys esp. Kentucky Club and Carter Hall. Most of my pipes are briar, but I have some meers and clays as well. In conclusion, just happy to have found some like minded enthusiasts.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 21, 2011
Hi all, I found this site on my uncle's recommendation. I've been on a couple others but this one looks great! I've been smoking a pipe on and off since I was 15. I've been a cigarette smoker most of that time and have been trying the last year to focus more on pipes with some success. I will say PAD and TAD have hit me hard :) I'm a guitar builder/ repairman from MN. I am always happy to offer advice in that area should anyone ever need. Thanks, Ted Vig



Jul 13, 2010
Crap! I always forget this thread! Welcome Lance, Greg, Danno, alamowest, Burntfruit, JBen, mlyvers, smokey422, mrgoodtime, ontario, nooge, philobeddoe, benbonvivant and tedvig! Whew!
Make yourselves feel at home here! We welcome ALL questions (there are NO dumb or newbie questions here. We are all still learning about this great hobby and we here feel everyone has something to contribute.
Please familiarize yourselves with THE RULES to make your stay here more enjoyable.



Nov 29, 2011
Greetings pro "bowlers",
Smoked my first pipe in '75 @ the age of 15. It was cheaper than cigs,,plus I could sneak in my 'special' blend without attracting too much attention. Well that fad gave out after a few years, and the pipes were put away.

I've smoked for over 30yrs,,mainly cigarettes,,and they don't seem as satisfying as they used to be. On a recent hunting trip, one of the guys there was a pipe smoker. The first whif and it was all over. As soon as I got home I dug out Grandads old antler stemed briar,cleaned it up,and had my first GOOD smoke in years.Our smoke shops here are very very limited on pipes and tobacco selection. So I ordered my first Meer from Turkey this morning and joined your page!! HERE WE GO!!



Nov 29, 2011
Hello all!

Just joined up. I've browsed or "lurked" the forums here off and on for a while, but just made it official. I've smoked pipes off and on over the last 5 years or so. I was mainly a cigar guy, but have in the past year or so been enjoying my pipes much more frequently.
Anyhow, thanks for having me, cheers!



Nov 29, 2011
Hello everyone!
I'm a 37 year old man from Finland. I've been smoking pipes since I was old enough. I'm not a collector, just a smoker. I have just recently gotten interested in different kind of pipes and the internet lead me here. Until this I've just smoked whats been available and around. Interesting this world of pipes.
Here's a picture of my smokers:



Jun 16, 2011
Welcome aboard, Nubbiniz,Misternoah,and Ylikowski. I hope you guys enjoy your time here, and I'm looking forward to your future posts.



Nov 22, 2011
Hi all.
I'm Leonard from Atlanta. I've been a pipe smoker for about twenty years and an advertising/marketing guy for about the same amount of time.
I quit my corporate America job back in 2010, and took a year off. I started hunting for a new job again in June of this year. Lo and behold one of the first openings I found on Monster was for: "Brand Manager - Pipe Tobacco." Um, yes please.
So I'm now the new brand manager for pipe tobacco at Lane Limited (Captain Black, Sir Walter Raleigh, Lane Bulk and starting in 2012 about 25 other pipe tobacco brands).
I hate to brag, but I can't lie - This is truly a pipe smoker's dream job. I've basically spent the last four months or so immersing myself in the world of pipe tobacco - from leaf buying to manufacturing to package design. I've also been to Copenhagen twice to visit our parent company and receive training from our leaf buys and master blenders. Very, very cool, and very enlightening, needless to say.
Anyway, I'm glad to have found this forum. If there are any pipe clubs pretty much anywhere in the U.S. who might have an interest in having someone come out, perhaps bring some samples, perhaps give a talk about leaf types, cut types and the pipe tobacco manufacturing process, shoot me a line.



Can't Leave
Nov 26, 2011
New Jersey
Hello All:
Well, here I am. Started smoking a pipe when I was 18 and continued through my early 20s. At that time my hyper personality got the best of me and I switched to cigarettes, no longer being interested in the ritual and paraphernalia associated with pipe smoking. I quit smoking cigarettes at 28 and didn't touch tobacco again until about three years ago when one of my sons took up cigar smoking. I now smoke a pipe for 51 weeks of the year, with the 52nd week reserved for cigarettes during my annual motorcycle trip to wherever I feel like going at the time. My favorite pipes are Savinellis, but I'm getting my first Boswell for Christmas and am looking forward to firing it up. I smoke aromatics exclusively, mainly because I haven't yet found a non-aro that I like. I absolutely hate Latakia (sorry for the blasphemy), so the field of non-aromatic blends seems to be relatively small. I'll request recommendations in the appropriate forum the next chance I get.
I've been happily married for 28 years and have four children. I'm an electrical engineer and make my living in radio communications. Interests include motorcycling, ham radio, smoking, and a host of other things that are politically incorrect. Like many engineers and ham radio operators I'm socially challenged, but I'm also an only child so I don't worry about it.
I don't expect to post often, but will do so when I have a question or when I think I can make a useful comment.
So there you have it. This appears to be a great forum with great people. I look forward to being part of it.

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