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Might Stick Around
Aug 26, 2011
Hello all!
My name is Josh (if you couldn't have guessed, hah!), I'm 22 years of age and I've been dabbling with pipe smoking on and off since late last year though lately I've been enjoying it very much. :)
Can't honestly say I'm very knowledgeable on the subject but I can say that I'm very much so interested learning all that there is to learn about pipe smoking.
Kind Regards,



Aug 26, 2011
Greetings from Alaska.
Been smoking pipes and cigars for several years now. Also take a pinch of snuff from time to time as well.
Like the forum all the great information. I tend to read more than I post, so I may or may not chime in on a topic.
My favorite pipe is a Linkman's Grabow from the 1930's. I restored it four years ago and it smokes like a champ.



Aug 28, 2011
Hi, My name is John I am a pipe smoker, and an occasional cigar smoker. I live in Portage PA. I am looking forward to participating in a community of fellow pipe smokers!



Might Stick Around
Aug 29, 2011
Noob here from Indianapolis. My other two disorders, er, hobbies are straight razor shaving/collecting, and model ship building. I have little experience with 'real' pipe smoking, as I only have a cheap Chinese pipe with a metal bowl and at the moment I can't afford decent tobacco. A lot of the people on my straight razor forum smoke pipes, so I've been bitten by the bug. I recently graduated so I'm short on funds for the moment, so I live vicariously through reading these forums. Can't wait to get started! If only I was allowed to smoke in the house so I could smoke and build my ships. :cry:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 13, 2011
Hello Everyone. I've been lurking around the site for awhile and thought I'd introduce myself. I've been smoking pipes on and off for about 6 years now. I also enjoy a cigar from time to time. I only smoke a few bowls a week max usually, but it really depends whats going on at the time. I have 5 pipes (would elaborate, but I gotta catch the bus!) and just got a massive case of TAD which my wallet will feel for awhile! I'm looking forward to my time on the forums. I used to be on but that site seems to have slowed to a near halt...



Aug 29, 2011
Hi all just wanted to introduce myself.... I am Scott 29 years old as of yesterday... new to pipe smoking although my pappy always smoked a aristocob pipe with velvet tobacco and I would love to have one of my own I have found they are out of production and you can no longer find inserts :(....... Well anyways its been 5 days smoking a pipe now and I LOVE IT, it tastes and smells so much better and best yet I havent touched a cigarette in days...... I will say i dont really know what to get or buy so i just have a 30 dollar Briar pipe and I got some local pipe tobacco called midnight smoke it was a black cavendish extra mild.... it was really good but seems to give some tongue bite and I still wanted that cigarette.... believe it or not I just bought some good ol' PA (although hes not in a can) it is a soft vanilla and I love it... it tastes good no cravings I enjoy it.... I feel like i am smoking something where the other just seems to light..... Anyways again just wanted to say hello and share my story thus far... doubt I will be on the forum much but feel free to add me and talk to me privately



Aug 30, 2011
Well, I've popped in here enough now that I suppose it's time to say hello. I bought my first pipe, a Savinelli second, from With Pipe and Book in Lake Placid, NY, in 1986. I've been through lots of pipes and tobaccos since then, but I'm still relatively new to forums and the online world in general.

My pipes have run the typical gamut, early on it was Savinellis, Stanwells and Petes, then Radices, M de Ps, Tsuges and the occasional late 50s - early 60s Dunhill. In the last couple of years I've been buying pipes from Todd Bannard, and am thrilled with them - they pretty much make up my rotation now.

I'm a pretty steady English guy, enjoying Germain's Special Latakia Flake, Pease's Odyssey and P&W 400 most of the time, with plenty of Ten Russians, Stimulus Package and McClelland Oriental #14 thrown in.

Enough of all that, I'm glad to be here and look forward to some good reading.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 31, 2011
Names Chris. I have been occasionally smoking a pipe for a little over a year now. The occasional cigar for a little over 3 years. Only have an inexpensive corncob at the moment.
Main reason I joined was to help a technically challenged customer sell off a fairly large collection of pipes. He asked if I knew where to sell them and I was referred here from another forum that represents another of the finer things in life.
I enjoy my family, occasional pipe or cigar, and the outdoors. Just moved to North Carolina from Utah the first of summer with my job to help a friend.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 29, 2011
Hello everyone, I am new to pipe smoking as of July. I have 3 pipes and am like a kid in a candy store when it comes to tobacco. The selection is half the fun. I have become fascinated with the different types and processes by which they are crafted. I am married (10 years this month) and have three beautiful daughters 6, 4 and 2.



Aug 31, 2011
Hi everyone, my name is Steve. I'm fairly new to pipe smoking, and I smoke pretty infrequently, but it's definitely something I enjoy. I still have a lot of questions about pipes, and I know that you can all help me out.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 31, 2011
Hi all. I'm peter and I just started smoking pipes today. Found this site a couple of days ago when I started researching pipe smoking. Been interested in smoking a pipe for 6 or 7 years now and finally decided to get one for my 25th birthday. Hope to learn more about this hobby and how to enjoy it more.



Might Stick Around
Aug 16, 2011
Hi nbpiper, a good learning tool is Bob Tate's video's, sure helped me alot. Thanks Bob! :clap:



Sep 1, 2011
Hi all, I'm new to the pipe world. Use to smoke some cigars but never fell in love with them as they always were a bit to much to smoke. I picked up a small briar so I could just smoke a pinch or two of tobacco. Just a quick smoke, I dont smoke every day. I started with Capt. Black then discovered Mac Baren Royal. I want to try the Mac Baren vanilla flake next.
I am a history buff mostly civil war and Captain Cook, nautical stuff from the 1800's and any thing about the Pacific ocean. I also am a nut for Bass fishing, gardening, cooking. I am also a father of a 5 year old who keeps me very busy.
I have been lurking on this site for a month or so and every one seems very nice. I look forward to discussions with you all.



Might Stick Around
Sep 2, 2011
Hello everyone, Just wanted to introduce myself. I currently reside in England and have been smoking a pipe now for 10 years. I am pleased I found this forum and enjoy reading the threads and learning new information about pipes and tobacco. Cheers

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