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Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 8, 2010
Welcome, everyone who's come on board. Looks like a fair sampling from all over the world, both hemispheres! So, if you're in New Zealand, does the smoke swirl differently out of the bowl, like sinks draining backwards? :)



Might Stick Around
May 16, 2011
Hello all! A little background on me... I started years ago with a few hand me downs from my father. I remember as a kid growing up with the smell of a pipe burning in the house. He would smoke on our fishing, and hiking trips together, those good memories, i'll never forget.
I took a hiatus from it for awhile and just recently pulled a few pipes out of storage and am rediscovering my love for it. Found this forum and decided it was time to go ahead and join.



May 15, 2011

I posted once but forgot my manners and wanted to say hello, introduce myself, and say thanks, and I am humbled to be part of the folks that make up this fine forum. I am hoping that I may learn from all the sage members here. Many Thanks,





Jul 13, 2010
One should also learn from the parsley, rosemary and thyme members as well.
Welcome aboard Michael. Hope to see you here often. There is a ton of info running down the left sidebar that may be of interest to you.



May 17, 2011
Northern New Jersey
Hello everyone, new to club, and thought I'd introduce myself. Been smoking quite a while now, seem to be the only one doing so in my town. Get double takes when I'm driving around with a pipe in my mouth. Wife has relegated me to the garage, which I have turned into a comfortable, though primitive, Man Cave, complete with Pipe racks, tins and mason jars, and of course books. Many books. I call it home. Have a number of tobaccos cellared, many GL Pease and McClellan brands. I smoke Petersons and Dunhills, the latter when I can afford them that is. Frequent and CupOJoes quite a bit. My favorite at the moment is GL Pease Wetsminster in a Peterson Donegal Rock B5 pipe. Have a couple of sites on the web: (science) and (photography). Here's a great quote I just came upon the other day while snooping around the web, by Groucho Marks: "I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal." Moniker "kashmir" comes from my Led Zep days. Happy smoking to all.



May 17, 2011
Northern New Jersey
Seems like on some posts my photo comes through and in others like this one, the photo doesn't appear. Anyone else having this problem? Or is it cause I just joined today and it takes awhile for all of this to stream through the wires?



Can't Leave
Nov 20, 2010
Welcome to all! This is a great forum and I hope you all will enjoy the camaraderie



May 18, 2011
Howdy! New guy over here, read the site for a few weeks and decided to join up already. Have collected pipes off & on since the age of 12 (now 44) and over the winter finally decided to get serious about it as a method to help me bag cigarettes. Started smoking a corn cob just after Christmas which went well enough to get me to dig through a storage space to find my old pipes. And bought a couple mail order. Gosh how I love shopping for pipes, can literally search them for hours.
Things improved after I chucked out the Borkum Riff battery acid treated ragweed I'd been frying my poor tongue with, got some Captain Black and then sought out a tobacconist. They make a blend based on the Captain and after about a month of waiting for it to start working the receptors in my brain finally started accepting the non-adulterated nicotine in pipe tobacco.
It's been smooth sailing ever since, with the bane of it all being an insatiable craving for Italian rustic carved briars with colored stems, which get expensive quick. Managed to bring home a nice estate beauty by Armellini in April & am simply in love with her. We spend some time together every night, and someday I hope to introduce her to a handsome young Il Ceppo or Ser Jacapo. Saving my lunch money.
Interestingly, I've dropped 25lbs since ditching a pack of cigarettes per day for my evening pipe. I still smoke cigs while stuck driving but don't like the god awful reek of them in the house anymore, especially after first sensing the Captain Black lingering in the room from the night before.
This might also be of interest: I am a fan of Italian made spaghetti westerns from the 1960s & 1970s and last month was obsessed for a few weeks with the idea of finding out exactly what pipe Lee Van Cleef is smoking in "For A Few Dollars More" and started up a discussion thread at the Spaghetti Western Database that sort of took on a life of its own.,3194.0.html
The answer is an unmarked bent billiard or apple shaped meerschaum with an out of period yellow lucite stem, no metal neck band & a polished surface. Since the pipe is unmarked there's likely no way to determine maker for sure, but if anyone has any ideas I'm all ears. Cheers!



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Welcome Squankamatic,

It's great to have you aboard.

As for the pipe the "guy who could pass for my twin brother" (that is if he looked like me :D ) smokes in "For a Few Dollars More" is his personal pipe. The shine is a result of the coloring process that Meerschaums are known for. Here is a link to Fred's blog explaining the process: Slave to the White Goddess - By Fred Bass

It is also my understanding that the stem is actually made from Amber... but, that could be incorrect.

As for the photos in the referenced Forum String... I think I have seen one of those somewhere before. :D




May 6, 2011
Olathe, Kansas
As you can guess by my handle I live in the KC area and am active in a local pipe club. Been messing with pipes for 40 years or so. Prefer rich robust English's but there sure isn't anything wrong with a good bowl of Escudo or Three Nuns.



May 18, 2011
Yessir you have Lawrence! Hope I accredited properly. It was researching the Mortimer Pipe online which led me here in the first place and I thank you so much for your new link on the surface process! Definitely had gotten the impression that it was more than just a prop for a movie and am amused by this news ;] Will update the SWDB thread to include it ... I also think I nailed his pipe from "The Big Gundown" down as a Ropp cherrywood or one in that style. The bottom is quite distinctive.

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