My two cents.
Personally, I don't care about Per's call to boycott STG - they already boycott me, denying supply and delivery to my country (MB/Sutliff do/did the same, BTW)

and I used the smuggler's channel to get STG/MB/B&M production, when I needed. So, I am C&D/Kopp oriented. However, there's some interesting points of interview (and questions) for me.
First of all, it's B&M destiny. I wonder will they use STG blending components, C&D components or some other. I ordered some blending tobacco for my personal blends from P&C site. I suppose, it's STG production, and it's not bad, except Red VA (I miss 515 and TS1R badly, which were swept out from shelves). I also found C&D Long Cut Perique more suitable for me than Sutliff. To my luck, I have enough.
Second thing is these Per's negotiations and collab with Gladora. Their Turkish Latakia blends (Latakia 40 and Latakia 20) are rude, but remind me some Syrian Latakia. They produce Latakia from Izmir oriental, so it is not exact copy of Syrian, anyway - but it's not bad, Yolanda and Bitlis orientals are really something, I use Gladora Oriental Flake as support to blending so-called 'Turkish Orientals' of Sutliff and C&D. It's not musty, it brings buttery and bright spicy tones to my blends, sometimes compared to my favourite Yenije. Gladora have no good VA so far, and that is a real problem for them, but if they find the sources even for sun-cured Virginia and buy some flue-cured from Malawi, i.e. - it will be very interesting, I presume. Jensen knows some tricks about Virginia, relying on his past (HH series developement and his practice at SG factory). To my sorrow, his first new collab blends will go to Switzerland and China, but, I hope, time will come.
Third thing is his words about Germain's possible expansion. Definitely, I'd love to have more Germain's blends on sale, cause now it's almost impossible to grab.
Another thing is SPC future. If C&D will start to produce Plum Pudding, it will be great. Indeed, I'd like to have their 'Lane era' blends, but we have what we have.