I have been making a real effort to keep smoking Miskatonic University since this past Wednesday, at least a bowl a day. I only have two pipes that I’m currently willing to smoke latakia blends from, my meerschaum and my MM Corn Cob. I switched between the two while smoking this blend.
And to be honest, my first impression that I posted, still really hasn’t changed that much. The flavors it seems stand out differently from bowl to bowl and from pipe to pipe. I’ve seen other people say the same thing. And by no means is this a bad thing, it keeps it interesting.
But at the same time, people become loyal to particular blends because they know that when they smoke them they will get the experience that they expect. Almost each time or close enough to make up for how different pipes smoke a particular blend.
I feel like I can taste where you are going with this blend. I may be incorrect, but this is what I think you are going for, this is just my interpretation.
A mildly sweet, yet smoky tobacco with the spiciness of Perique and just a hint of vanilla.
Just about every time I’ve smoked it this past week, that is what keeps coming to my mind. I mentioned it before and have others that this blend would do well to age. I hope I don’t sound like a broken record by saying this, but it’s the only conclusion I can come to.
Cram some in a jar, or build a box that can press it tight, and put it somewhere and forget about it for a year or two. I feel that is the only way to really finish this blend off. Only time I feel will help with you getting what I think you are looking for.
I hope you find this somewhat helpful in you endeavor, and please let us know what you plan to do next.
Thank you again.