Finally home, and smoked three bowls of Miskatonic University from the sample tha BaronSamedi sent my way. Thanks for that, btw.
The first pipe was my UA briar Cutty, which has a tall, narrow bowl. Unfortunately, the sample sat on my desk in the Baggie for a week, and i was unable to detect any sort of aroma from the bag. After loading with a three pinch technique, I checked the draw and tasted a chcocolate note. The first light varied that same sweet, chocolate note, with a thick, billowy smoke, and it mellowed to smooth, sweet but mild taste in about a minute. Lost the chocolate overtone. About halfway down, I picked up a wisp of Latakia that hung in there almost to the end. The nicotine level caught up with me at that time. I am a nicotine lightweight, heh heh. As such, I wouldn't imbibe and smoke this at the same time.
The second serving went into my LePeltier clay. I used more of a scoop and stuff method on this, as the pipe has a smallish bowl. I got the same sweet, chocolate beginning, which lasted about halfway through the bowl, when it turned rather harsh on my throat and dull in taste, almost acrid. The latter quality I associate with Frog Morton on the Bayou, which is probably Perique. I never did pick up any Latakia in this pipe.
Lastly, I used a meerschaum, layering the tobacco into the chamber about a quarter inch at a time. I did a false light, which gave the same chocolaty start as the other two pipes. However, this bowl turned peppery right off, and remained so for two thirds of the bowl, when the taste softened and cooled, and a hint of chocolate and Latakia presented. I got another strong hit of nicotine with this bowl as well.
I like the complexity of this mix, with the sweet start and mellow smoke in the briar. The clay didn't do it justice, and the smaller bowl may have led to less than a full mix of ingredients when I filled it. My experience with the meer was somewhat different as well, with the spiciness instead of the sweet coolness. I might add that all three pipes had been cleaned and unused for about 6 weeks. My usual daily poison is burley, and I have been smoking Cerberus for a change in the evenings.
Thanks again BaronSamedi for the chance to try your blend. I would purchase some myself, and jar a bit to see what a lil time would do for it.