Yep. I've had a couple PMs about it, too, so I decided to comment on my plans.
Yes, Chris, I am going to tweak it a little. I think I'm going to do less Burley, more of the Carolina, a little less of the Lat (sorry Dave) and more Perique (Your Welcome, Mick and other Perique freaks). I think that will solve Jason's DGT issue. Burley tends to pop in, say, "Hey! how bout some Burley!" and punch you in the face sometimes. I still need it to balance out the VA component, but proportionally, I think it could be better. Taming the Latakia is the hardest since it's not supposed to be an English, but the Cyprian Lat is nice and smooth and adds a smoky quality. The changes are just a couple of percents, though, so probably not a glaring difference.