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Jun 1, 2013
I'm liking some of the bands listed above, I'll add props for Russian Circles and ISIS, posted by eastwood audio. I'm also a huge Meshuggah fan, mentioned by laybomber.Meshuggah basically play in mathmatical tones more than notes now a days. Don't they tune to low F or something silly?



Jan 25, 2012
I never progressed much further than 70's-80's Hard Rock and Metal. Metallica/Megadeth/Black Sabbath/Ozzy/etc.
My story is pretty much the same as voorhees. I love Metallica and still listen to their stuff on a regular basis. Sure there was a few bands early on that inspired Metallica but in my opinion they did the most to develop the genre.
I watch That Metal Show also. A great program that I've learned a lot from. I love hearing the stories told by the guests.



Can't Leave
Mar 18, 2014
I do love metal!
I'm a bit particular though. I can't quite put my finger on it either. Wintersun is probably my top favorite (all of the albums are great for me, looking forward to the release of the next.) Very complex, and I can usually understand the lyrics without looking em up (important to me.) "Starchild" is probably my favorite, but hard to pick. If I was to have a theme song play every time I walked into a room, that'd probably be it. Guess it would be a long thing for others to suffer though ;)
I like a lot of folk metal. Eluveitie comes to mind - I've been fortunate to see them live several times, usually in smaller sized venues too. Got a poster signed by all of them. The integration of old folk instruments is great.
I've seen Children of Bodom several times too. They are pretty hard, but still technically rather good, for my non musician ears.
Amon Amarth's new album is good - play well live as well. Very humble, easy going guys. The signer used to actually be a grocery store check out register guy. So he appreciates the success a lot.
Amorphis has good stuff based on the Kalevala (Finnish mythology.) Skyforger is my favorite song, since I am a bit of an artist and blacksmith.
Ensiferum has a plethora of good stuff, but I haven't ever seen them live. Their cover of Uriah Heep's "Lady in Black" and "Little Dreamer" are my favorites. "One More Magic Potion" is quite good and makes for a livey sing along when enjoying a good alcoholic beverage. So does that Nancy the Barmaiden song by Alestorm, though they push the whole pirate metal a bit too much I think...
Can't say I have a good metal/pipe story. I usually just smoke at home and listen to a huge variety of music - metal being one of my favorite genres. My mp3 player is a bit schizofrenic like that - it could go from hard metal like Meshuggah or Chimaira to Lindsey Stirling's electric violin. Jon Gomm, while not metal, blows my mind with his supreme skills as a musician.



Can't Leave
Mar 18, 2014
If someone likes folk instruments, Omnia is also worth looking up too. "I Don't Speak Human" is a favorite. Plus, that's the only dude I have ever seen play his guitar with a bird chilling happily ontop of his head, and another on his guitar - "Earth Warrior"



Can't Leave
Mar 18, 2014
I suppose I can't forget Manowar - one of the earliest/biggest contributor's to the Viking metal genre. Listening to them still gives me goose bumps.



Dec 28, 2012
Ronnie James Dio (rip) is the king of metal. From singing, writing and stage performance. I also had the pleasure to know him and his wife Wendy fairly well over 30 years. So many stories to tell over the years from Rainbow, Sabbath and DIO. Last in Line - great adlib - Holy Diver - Last in Line.
Most people think of metal gods living poorly and always stoned - well, he did smoke a pipe :nana: Here's where Ronnie lived and believe me it was nicer than the photos.






Had some great times at the bar and pool table :D



Dec 28, 2012
Ronnie James Dio (rip) is the king of metal. From singing, writing and stage performance. I also had the pleasure to know him and his wife Wendy fairly well over 30 years. So many stories to tell over the years from Rainbow, Sabbath and DIO. Last in Line - great adlib - Holy Diver - Last in Line.
Most people think of metal gods living poorly and always stoned - well, he did smoke a pipe :nana: Here's where Ronnie lived and believe me it was nicer than the photos.






Had some great times at the bar and pool table :D



Staff member
May 11, 2011
There is a new Ronnie James Duo tribute album coming out shortly, I've heard a few cuts and they were fantastic. The money goes to Ronnie's charity.



Feb 28, 2014
My best friend is a metal head and metal guitarist. Over the many years of our friendship, he has enlightened me to a ton of awesome metal that i might not have listened to otherwise. It was sort of an exchange of sorts, i got him into a lot of blues, reggae, rap and other ecclectic stuff he might not have checked out and he blessed me with the power of metal. Pantera would have to be my all time favorite and Dime(RIP) was and IS a freaking metal god and legend and one hell of a person while he was alive. Vinny kills that double bass and the drums in general. Phil's legendary growl and powerful voice and lyrics are still the best punch in the face i'll ever receive (and i get punched in the face on a weekly basis training muay thai). Rex's smooth and perfectly synched baselines put it all together and make it flow. Sorry for the rant, but freaking love Pantera.
Also love pre-black album Metallica and Death Magnetic. Lars is and always has been a whiney douche. Carcass kicks ass. Dimmu Borgir, Dream Theatre, Trivium, Machinehead, Devildriver, Testament, Megadeth, Meshuggah, Dying Fetus, Manowar, Anthrax (Scott Ian's the man), F'in Slayer, BLS, Down, and of course all the originals like Sabbath, Maiden, Priest, Zeppelin(definintely IMHO one of the forefathers when it comes to metal), Rainbow, Dio, and Motorhead. All listed in random order off the top of my head. I am really glad my friend opened my eyes to the beauty and technical musical abilities found in metal music. No matter the genre, i really can appreciate something about pretty much any genre of music and my tastes are all over the board, from Gangster Rap to Country to Classical to Reggae to Blues to Classic Rock/Rock/Metal.
I Love Music.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 9, 2012
Another Metal head here as well. Nothing is to heavy, or to old school. Been listening to alot of GWAR since the news of Dave Brockies passing. Our world just got a little safer and alot suckier now that he is gone.
But, there are still bands out there that will always be amongst my favs, anything that King Diamond or Abbath touches just reeks of greatness. So many great acts that are to difficult to list in any type of order. I will say the album I'm listening to now, Grave's Burial Ground, is an awesome one.
I guess another topic would be do we all listen to metal or do we collect it as well? (vinyl, cds, tapes)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 23, 2013
Latlbomber, Mastodon is one of my favorite bands ever. Ever seen them live? I have the privilege to see them for the first time in May, at a smallish club non the less!! (first Ave in Minneapolis, where parts of purple rain were shot)
Layinipe, Ever listened to DOWN? Kind of a metal supergroup. Phil from Pantera, Pepper Keenan (guitar) from Corrosion of Conformity, Kirk Windstein and Todd Strange from Crowbar, and Jimmy Bower from eyehategod. I think Rex Brown is on bass now.. Amazing band!!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 23, 2013
I used to collect a lot of vinyl and tapes in my younger days, but they've become increasingly harder to find. .

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
Lots of great bands listed here and a few iffy ones too, but you like what you like. I listen to all genres of Metal and I have favorites in every genre and depending on my mood will determine what I play on the stereo. I'm kind of surprised how many here actually appreciate true underground Heavy Metal, and not just the typical radio friendly Metal bands. Very cool!
@ravenwolf - have you ever been to Pagan Fest? I went back in 2008/2009 whenever the first US Pagan Fest was, and it was awesome. Ensiferum, Tyr, Eluveitie, Turisas, Suidakra and a local folk metal band all played. One of the best shows I've ever been to. I saw Wintersun last year with Eluveitie and I didn't care for Eluveitie's performance. They were much better back in 2008/2009 when they had their original lineup. Wintersun was awesome and Jari is an amazing guitarist and song writer. The s/t album and "Time" are two of my favorite albums. Both are amazing.



Feb 28, 2014
eastwoodaudio, F*CK YEAH, i listen to DOWN! Actually, posting in this thread a couple hours ago made me nostalgic for some DOWN and have been listening to them ever since. Been through NOLA and most of DOWN II: A Bustle In Your Hedgerow. Great albums.
Also like Superjoint Ritual(though short lived) and Damageplan, since we're on the Pantera subject. The side project that they did(minus Phil) with David Allan Coe, Rebel Meets Rebel, is pretty good as well.
Phil's a dick, but damn if he ain't one of the best metal frontmen EVER.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 10, 2013
@eastwood, yes I've seen them twice! First was in 2005 at ozzfest, I had little idea of who they were and they opened their set with iron tusk and I was hooked! The second time was when they toured with Dethklok (who despite being a joke band were really good live!)



Mar 3, 2014
Been a metalhead since my teenage years. I love it all from early Sabbath, to current stuff. The latest by Carcass is great, so is the new Amon Amarth album! I especially dig a lot of stoner metal like The Sword, Orange Goblin, High on Fire, Electric Wizard, etc. I'm not a stoner, but I love their new spin on old Sabbath type sounds. There is nothing like sitting down with a large pipe full of some latakia heavy mix and playing some Electric Wizard. I can totally get lost in it and just forget everything for a time. I think I know what I'm doing tonight!

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