The golf logo kept me off of this pipe. I may be missing something... but what does golf have to do with Bing Crosby or pipe smoking? I love golf but I just don't understand why they'd put that logo on the pipe.
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Just need to take a minute or two and Google Bing Crosby and golf. His little "Clambake" eventually moved to Pebble Beach and became one of the most iconic golf events in history. He lived there, the event over time raised millions of dollars for local charities and golf and Bing were as identifiable together as his singing and his movies for legions of fans. His son Nathaniel won a U.S. Amateur and recently captained the U.S. side in the Walker Cup.
I was happy to find a Bing's Favorite in a little pipe shop in Carmel, California last year --- what a treat to be walking around and find it --- cool place, cool owner. Sad to say, once I used the pipe and relative to other shapes, it wasn't a HawkeyeLinus Favorite, lol, and I've since sold it.
So I get why the logo is there, and it's okay, but like a little basketball or football logo on a pipe (never seen either), I kind of see why it doesn't resonate in terms of a classic kind of look.
I'm sure there are logos out there that would put me off, or someone could easily come up with a weird color or symbol that would put me off, but I can't come up with any off hand I've seen that made any difference to me in a negative way.
And there are some I like very much!