Know Anyone Who's Quit Pipe Smoking?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 23, 2023
Clynder, Argyll & Bute, G84 0QX
I smoked 40 cigs a day until the UK RN banned smoking on submarines, sensible approach, in 2010. Last year I came to the end of my 'at sea' service and now I am stationed permanently ashore. However rather than pick up what I now regard as an unpleasant habit I fortunately came across the pipe 'hobby' and dived, pardon the pun, straight in.
Here to stay now until either a Doctor or my home Admiral, aka my wife, say different.

Good luck with your throat irritation and I hope all is well.


Mar 6, 2023
I agree with your reasons. They are valid and easily supported.

There are other things I do which involve risk. For me, with tobacco, I would not want to toy around and get addicted, but that will probably not occur with one or two smokes per week.
I’m what you might call a “seasonal” smoker. My wife won’t let me smoke in the house, and I don’t really want the house smelling like smoke either. And I’m not going to sit outside long enough to enjoy a pipe when it’s really hot or cold. So I only smoke when the temperature is just right to sit on the patio and puff for an hour or so in the evening while reading or listening to music. Even during those perfect weather periods, I probably don’t smoke more than twice a week. I’m 66, so I don’t worry too much about an occasional pipe at my age. Something will get me eventually no matter how good I am, so I might as well enjoy my occasional simple pleasures.


Might Stick Around
Jul 26, 2022
I quit years back when I first started. Just couldn't get the hang of it and was too impatient to keep trying. Then I revisited it and was more willing to spend the time to learn some of the nuances. I found some successes that eluded me prior and then the flood gates opened. Can't imagine ever quitting again.
I am in the same situation. Quit as a young and inexperienced guy (at that time - long ago - the Internet was not around to get more info about it. I am back now, and don’t intend to stop.


Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2021
West of the Twin Cities, MN
My first month on this forum, another local sent me a message saying he was quitting and offered me his tobacco. I was just getting started and obliged. He threw in a couple of nice briar pipes that I still treasure.
His gesture reflected well on this forum and pipe smokers in general.

He told me that he quit because of some family cancer incidents that made him decide it just wasn't worth it. I can respect that.

I sort of assume he'll reach out someday when he changes his mind and resumes smoking pipes. If he does, I'll return the pipes to him.


Can't Leave
Mar 15, 2023
Olympia, Washington
My grandpa smoked a pipe back in the 70s and into the 80s. He quit by the time I was born, or at least before I could remember. No idea what pipe(s) or blend(s) he smoked or why he quit, when I helped clear out his house after he died I hoped to find some pipes or tins but sadly there weren't any. I wasn't even considering getting into it myself at the time, I just thought it was interesting. I know he did still smoke cigars at least whenever he golfed, and he was an avid golfer. Now I really wish I had at least pipes, I hope they at least made it onto the estate market.

My grandma (they divorced in the 70s) and mom think he only smoked a pipe to look intellectual, I wouldn't put it past him but he was an accomplished scholar so I could just as easily see it being something he got into being in academic circles. He introduced me to Tolkien, when I was 6 he got me the edition of The Hobbit with Michael Hague's illustrations. That was before the Peter Jackson movies, so I had no idea what a hobbit was and had never heard of Gandalf, Smaug, Elrond, or Gollum. He also gave me an antique set of Mark Twain books, which I read at a young age. I like to think those helped plant the seed of pipe smoking in me that would grow to fruition this year. He was also an avid reader of Chesterton, Jung, and Barth, all avid pipe smokers.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 3, 2022
Toronto Canada
Suddenly my throat is irritated after a year and a half of smoking just wondering if it might be pipe related or it's unrelated. I love smoking so much and invested quite a bit in it too. I would hate to have to give up so soon after discovering it lol.
Sorry to hear. Likely something else, but give it a break for a bit to see. We can work out a good deal on your tobacco and Castellos if you decide to forgo permanently! :)
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Might Stick Around
Jan 10, 2022
I wish I could smoke more often. I'm lucky to get a few bowls in on a good week. I'm stocking up for when I do have the time. At least that's the excuse I keep telling my wife. FYI she's not buying it.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 3, 2022
Toronto Canada
I have to actually find time to smoke my pipes before I can consider quitting! Seems like I can only get 1-2 in per week.
Get a dog, take him for a long walk everyday, bring a cob filled with your favourite. This is how I’ve gone from once or twice a week to almost everyday. The potential negatives from smoking are offset by the exercise you get from walking him! Maybe?!?!

Zeno Marx

Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 10, 2022
I've quit twice. The first time was for around ten years. My interests were elsewhere. I felt I had too much money tied up in my pipes, and I was leading a somewhat nomadic lifestyle. It wasn't smart to move it all from place to place. I sold all my pipes but three. One was the all-time favorite, and the other two were damaged and not worth anything. The second time was for...I can't remember how long, but it was for some years. I just didn't feel like it, and again, my interests were elsewhere. I'm grateful my brain chemistry isn't prone to addiction. I am one to be habitual and ritualistic, and I think those things are part of the reason I can come back and leave.