One man’s “compassionate” decision is another man’s loss. In this case, the list of blends being continued represents the most profitable products. The least profitable product, to be discontinued, is War Horse, a blend that several folks here are passionate about. In order for STG to move production to DK it has to undergo FDA and EU testing, a high cost that may never be recovered. So, does STG choose to lose money on blends that don’t sell, and short their investors (who undoubtedly include pensioners), just to be “compassionate” to you?
STG’s responsibility is to it’s investors. Like any other company, their mandate isn’t to keep people employed or to provide an obscure product to an ever dwindling customer base. By maintaining profitability they keep the doors open and they keep the last of the most popular blends in production.
And…WTF is “Commercially Abused”?