That would be the best case scenario, or maybe one of the German companies.I’m hoping C&D brings him in as a possible consultant. But even if they did I’m sure it would be in a limited capacity due to him living across the pond, as it were.
I didn't hear about that. If he knew the buyout was coming he might've decided to leave while he still could on his own accord.Mac Baren/Sutliff was so good to Per Jensen that he left there at least six months ago. Not sure if he jumped, or if he was pushed.
I'm in the same boat. Sure they've made some very shitty decisions but closing factories is small potatoes compare to some other companies I still buy from. I love Peter Stokkebye so I'm going to continue my long term cellaring plan for LNF, the other two I was building up were Plum Pudding and Sutliff Crumble Kake VaPer and I probably won't be able to get anymore of the former any time soon and let alone the latter. There's a few STG owned blends I still want to try but they certainly moved way back on my to try list.That wasn't what I meant with this post; I'm not riding the boycott train like some others are. Most of my favorite tobaccos and daily smokes are from Peter Stokkebye, Lane, and codgers like Half & Half that are manufactured by STG. I'm not going to stop buying them. I'm just saying that I'm going to try to acquire those blends from sites/retailers I think should be supported.
Those two I think are far less likely to do a mass discontinuation because 100% of their business is pipe tobacco and most of it premium. As it's been mentioned at length here it was easy for STG to do what they did because pipe tobacco is a very small ammount of their catalog and most of that is OTCs.The irony of this is that driving business to C&D and G&H is great! Keep them profitable and going! But don’t mistake your support for buying loyalty. If your support helps grow the company and their footprint to the point STG gives them a blank check and they accept, them’s the breaks.![]()
Absolutely not, the owner(s) of Mac Baren clearly wanted out of the industry. Probably didn't care what the buyer did and wouldn't have been able to predict such drastic measures if they did care.It's just tobacco.Lots of ire directed at STG but I doubt they held a gun to the heads of the owners of Mac Baren/Sutliff. Business works both ways.