Awww, come on now, when you write like that, I add yet another blend I have to go out and buy. I'll never get to retire.
Dude it's sick. Seriously. It took me a long time to "get" straight Virginia tobacco. Marlin flake is definitely up there on a short list of the VAs that showed me the light. SG Full Virgina Flake is another. FVF is a bit more forgiving of a tobacco. Marlin Flake is finicky. I find that both give up their deepest secrets when loosely folded and stuff and slowly sipped.
Dude it's sick. Seriously. It took me a long time to "get" straight Virginia tobacco. Marlin flake is definitely up there on a short list of the VAs that showed me the light. SG Full Virgina Flake is another. FVF is a bit more forgiving of a tobacco. Marlin Flake is finicky. I find that both give up their deepest secrets when loosely folded and stuff and slowly sipped.