Again I searched about this, I wanted to know if there were new pipe sellers to buy/avoid on eBay, etsy, etc.. I've seen where people have asked about certain pipe sellers but not a list or place to review these type dealers. I think this may be useful to many newbies like me. I don't expect someone to go through and and research every new pipe dealer, just maybe a place that's easier to find. You could call it "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly".
Would it be under the pipe brand discussion thread? If there's not one lets voice the views here. Let everyone know your experience. I'm not talking about estate pipes, only new pipes from unknown makers like Road Town and Benandci (road town), BalandIs, etc...
This way we'll have a single place to go to get this info. If its not already here. Let me know what you think.
Would it be under the pipe brand discussion thread? If there's not one lets voice the views here. Let everyone know your experience. I'm not talking about estate pipes, only new pipes from unknown makers like Road Town and Benandci (road town), BalandIs, etc...
This way we'll have a single place to go to get this info. If its not already here. Let me know what you think.