I smoke it once or twice a week. It is what it is a decent simple smoke to break the routine of everything else I smoke. I am a very simple kind of guy so it suites my taste very well
What could they have possibly done to it that would have made it not usable as a pipe tobacco?
Funk, is there any lo-cost weed that you don't like? ?I smoke OHM Bold regularly. Its a good tobacco for the price. A sweet tasting virginia for 12 bucks a pound... don't get hung up on packaging.. accept a good deal when you get one!
It aint easy being a cheap bastard but there are a few of usFunk, is there any lo-cost weed that you don't like? ?
Funk, is there any lo-cost weed that you don't like? ?
It aint easy being a cheap bastard but there are a few of us
You are absolutely right about RYO and pipe tobacco. It's a difference in name though one seems to be more basic and maybe in cut. But for those who like straight burleys and Virginias, there may not be much of a meaningful difference after all.I've basically liked every tobacco product I've ever tried.. So I guess not. Haha
Saying it's a RYO being fraudulently sold as pipe tobacco is a sad way of looking at the world... I mean, what difference does that make? I would testify for them in a court case for fraud. I actually buy this product for strictly pipe smoking.. but again, what difference does that make unless you're the tax man? There's another bagged tobacco that I use for cigarettes.. it's menthol and I absolutley reccomend agaisnt putting that one in your pipes. I did that once, and boy was it harsh..
Price often sets value.. I guess that's just human nature.
I too have tried to recreate Picayune. I think using rimboche, cock strong and some cotton Boll would get close. Another forum member said to mix cotton Boll and cock strong and call it cock and balls ?That's the only one I've tried so far. I need to grab a couple of bags of OHM Turkish red. @mso489 reviewed it a while back.. I think I remember him saying it was a good smoke.
The Bold isn't the best tobacco out there by any means.. I suspect it might age well, being what it's made of.
I bought a few pounds looking to mix it with perique and some dark fired to make something like D&R Picayune... But the perique I bought (from P&C) is no good, I'm still trying to find something worth using.. before I mix up a bunch of it.