These ideas and "movements" are not's astroturfing. It's coming from the criminally insane "elite" engineering and fraudulent science to promote their lunatic "great reset" agenda.People should be more concerned that the world has reached a point where concern over cow farts can actually gain some traction. We should all be scared to death there's that many morons alive and walking around. It is more than alarming when stupid, radical interest groups have a cause and find equally stupid fictional science to attempt to support their beliefs.
The eggs certainly taste better and they make more flavorful cakes.Free range does seems to make for tastier chicken I think.
I imagine these folks will struggle a bit getting the hang of preparing meat for consumption as opposed to making vegan meals.
When I used to eat properly, I found that me eating vegetables made me fart way more than when eating just meat so if it's to be a choice of a cow farting in a 20 acre field or me cutting the cheese in a typical dining room well I'm sure we all know where the answer lies.People should be more concerned that the world has reached a point where concern over cow farts can actually gain some traction. We should all be scared to death there's that many morons alive and walking around. It is more than alarming when stupid, radical interest groups have a cause and find equally stupid fictional science to attempt to support their beliefs.
Or, a cow puncher, farmer or, lived in cow country. Sailors, for hundreds of years lived on salted beef. Beef roasts on Sunday was a regular event for many Americans, many Brits and so forth centuries go. Beef was comparatively cheap where it was raised.In the 20th century, beef was enjoyed only occasionally unless you were very wealthy.
Beef production is very expensive, time consuming, labor and land intensive, and subject to a variety of economic and political vagaries that typically mean nothing but the big dogs have a chance of turning reliable profit.
My answer is “no”! I smoke my pipes in moderation, beef l consume with apparent reckless abandon — there may be an ozone hole above my house!I suppose it was only a matter of time before this happened but I never really thought I'd see it in my lifetime. The banning of eating meat to 'save the planet' is akin to banning reading to save the trees....pretty bonkers.
I'm all for protecting our planet but I think there are many far worse things than meat eating that should be dealt with before banning something that we've been doing since the dawn of time.
Dutch city of Haarlem may be world’s first to ban most meat ads
Haarlem is to ban most adverts for meat from public spaces because of the food's impact on
I would not be surprised that if in my lifetime many lower/working class people were essentially priced out of enjoying beef regularly, and instead consume cheaper meats or meat substitutes instead.
I eat a lot of fish and home made bread. I recently read somewhere that some idiot politician said that 'Meat should be a treat and not an expectation for the average consumer'. Any bets on how much would get served in those peoples private dinning rooms if they had their way. Probably just like those virtue signaling useless eaters tooling around on their private jets. It would be the age old old slogan 'Meat for me but not for thee' as we were told to chow down on our soy burger and be happy that we are helping the planet.
All those bean eaters probably put more methane in the atmosphere than the cows do.................People should be more concerned that the world has reached a point where concern over cow farts can actually gain some traction. We should all be scared to death there's that many morons alive and walking around. It is more than alarming when stupid, radical interest groups have a cause and find equally stupid fictional science to attempt to support their beliefs.