Part of the art of conversation is observing your intended audience, watching, listening and responding to them. People who just innately want to talk a lot can be rude. People are sometimes on some sort of time restraints, or have something else on their minds, or are introverted and don't talk much anyway. Are you any good at listening yourself, or do you just want to talk?
Have non-demanding openers to sense how they are feeling. Watch their faces, to see if they are feeling sociable or are otherwise disposed.
There are two or more people in a conversation. People shouldn't just stand and perform, like people who talk continuously at a party, like they're on TV or onstage. What are you learning about the other person? What's their situation? What of your situation can you reasonably share without intruding boundaries.
Some women are much better at this than most men, but that doesn't mean men shouldn't make an effort.
If you are a natural story teller and long-talker, find situations where that is wanted and accepted, but don't presume everyone wants to be your audience. It's a matter of time, place, and personalities.
Some people talk continuously just to keep others from talking, to control others, and to avoid other peoples' opinions and personalities, out of a sense of inferiority sometimes.