Howdy sevenseas,
I do appreciate you wanting to share with the group a packing method that you have found to be perfect for you. I think you got sideways with the group by proclaiming (accidentally, I believe), that your way is THE WAY.
I personally believe that the type of tobacco one is smoking, the cut of the tobacco one is smoking, and the moisture content of the tobacco that one is smoking all combine to make the more experienced pipe smokers pack their pipes accordingly. Gravity feeding a dry cube cut Burly works for me with just a wee bit of a tamp. Smoking a long ribbon cut aromatic that is naturally a lot more moist, will require a totally different approach and probably several pinches and tamps before having the bowl loaded properly.
And finally, as others have stated, the tightness or looseness of the pack is a personal preference and varies with each smoker.
So, while you were offering your own personal preference regarding how to load and smoke your pipe, it was just letting everyone know what works best for you. Unfortunately, it came off a little on the "preachy" side.
If you had said that only Brand-X pipe should be smoked because.... well, you would probably have received the same kind of responses as, like packing a bowl, pipe brand preferences vary greatly.
I do appreciate you wanting to share with the group a packing method that you have found to be perfect for you. I think you got sideways with the group by proclaiming (accidentally, I believe), that your way is THE WAY.
I personally believe that the type of tobacco one is smoking, the cut of the tobacco one is smoking, and the moisture content of the tobacco that one is smoking all combine to make the more experienced pipe smokers pack their pipes accordingly. Gravity feeding a dry cube cut Burly works for me with just a wee bit of a tamp. Smoking a long ribbon cut aromatic that is naturally a lot more moist, will require a totally different approach and probably several pinches and tamps before having the bowl loaded properly.
And finally, as others have stated, the tightness or looseness of the pack is a personal preference and varies with each smoker.
So, while you were offering your own personal preference regarding how to load and smoke your pipe, it was just letting everyone know what works best for you. Unfortunately, it came off a little on the "preachy" side.
If you had said that only Brand-X pipe should be smoked because.... well, you would probably have received the same kind of responses as, like packing a bowl, pipe brand preferences vary greatly.