I would continue to smoke pipes and cigars if there was no nicotine. I enjoy the rituals of both. The relaxation, time to slow down and enjoy life for an hour(ish), time with family and friends, making memories, etc. The times that I'm just by myself smoking, I'd still do that too. Enjoying the smoke, watching the cigar burn, flavor nuances, etc. Having started a new job my time to smoke has been limited so I mostly enjoy it on the weekends when I have some time to slow down in the evenings.
I don't ever smoke for the nicotine. As a matter of fact, I try to monitor the nicotine hit I get, not because I don't like it but rather because I am cautious to become dependent on it. I think that if I ever felt myself becoming dependent on it I'd stop smoking. I don't really know why. Perhaps it's a self-mastery thing, perhaps it's a residual fear of "addiction leading to cancer and death" mentality I have from watching my grandfather and uncle succomb to cigarettes. I don't really know in that regard. I hope that makes sense.