I still remember drolling over those Peterson pipes in my late teens. I was only a student at the time and could not afford to pay that kind of money for a pipe, so I daydreamed a lot, and daydream I did. Back then I was only hoping one day will come when I was wealthy enough to afford one for myself. The problem though is I am no longer interested. Not that I only own crappy pipes, but I do not even use them. True. Over the years I have acquired quite a collection, but I never find myself reaching for the most expensive ones. I personally find them burdensome, impractical, and somewhat annoying. As a matter of fact, I have sold many on eBay, and I am planning to sell even more. My perfect pipe now is a billiard with a 19mm concave bowl and a short stem. "Issue pipes" I call them. Let me tell you one thing, if you are interested in tobacco and tobacco alone, beauty is in geometrics. I will not disclose my source, but I can buy each pipe for about $30, and I am still thinking they are too expensive. When I see you guys being so infatuated with your pipes, I cannot help thinking about those old fat geezers all geared in their riding outfits going through their midlife crisis. They all have beautiful bikes with all the rings and bells on, I will give you that. Shame they are so low on stamina though. Wearing lycra does not make you a cyclist. Riding a bike does. Sorry for the inconvenience, but it had to be said and it has been said.