I Only Like Crappy Pipes

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Nov 26, 2018
Some nights, I pick the blend and a pipe that will work with that blend for next day. I enjoy Peterson pipes for way they smoke and way they look. It's an act of a pure selfishness to meet my want for that day. If someone decide that's not the "right" thing to do, they can go fuck themselves. It's free country, if someone wants to kiss donkey's ass and fuck it, who am I to say no? I'll more than likely report it to police for animal abuse, but I'm not getting in between a man and his hag.
Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
My problem is at 9 3/4", I've always felt deficient in the penis department. I buy expensive pipes to make up for it. It doesn't really but what am I to do? I can't afford a medical procedure for a penis extension. The OP doesn't seem have this issue as he clearly is a big dick.

I can remember buying pipes when I was fresh out of college. Basket pipes with fills. They smoked fine for the most part. I can unequivocally state I enjoy what I smoke now more. Much more. If the OP enjoys $30 pipes and trolling, have a happy.


May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
When I first began smoking Rad Davis pipes, I went for smoking properties over looks and on a few these of these pipes the looks made me choose that I felt would be great smokers and didn't worry about the looks so much. This estate Dublin I hemmed add hawed about the looks but bought the pipe any way. The pipe is a killer flake pipe and I am really happy I went l for smoking properties over looks. Out of my 22 Rad Davis this one is in the top 5 smoking properties wise. Smokingingpipes. com had it on sale for around 225.00 which for a Rad estate is a good price.


Feb 21, 2013
Hmmm. I have "treasures," many of which have come as gifts, and I smoke and enjoy them. But I am also pleased to discover that many of the pipes I have picked up on sale, and old brand factory pipes and cobs give as good a smoke as any. So I take the point, that a fine pipe can be had at a moderate or minimal price. But I'm not dogmatic about it. I've never sent any of the up-market pipes I've been given back to the sender. I have an old Kaywoodie Drinkless, screw-in stinger stem and all, the only stinger pipe I smoke, and it is nothing to clean and gives an elegant smoke every time. I also have a handmade artisan pipe made by an award winning carver that he sold me at the end of a show for a third of asking price, that I value greatly -- for smoking, and for its association to this experience.


Feb 21, 2013
The pipes in OP, come to think of it, don't look crappy in the least. Nice finish, ample bowls, sturdy shanks and stems. I do crave a little more variety, but if you like to stick to one design, nothing crappy there.


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I like the bravado, the tough guy, shooting from the hip... And, damnet, he didn't suggest people smoke cobs, ha ha. Good guy!

I wear cycling clothes when cycling, because they keep me cooler than if I wore a pair of blue jean shorts and a cotton tshirt, and... I'm tough enough not to give a fuck what someone thinks about me. I really don't. It's funny that the way someone dresses or what they buy makes some people so angry.

And, people don't really have to dig too deeply to find something about me that will piss them off. Usually it's just the fact that women find me so damned attractive that guys have to hold on extra tight to keep their girlfriends and wives from clambering all over me. It's a curse... I know! I hate it, and I totally understand why people hate me. It's because I'm just cursed with all of this beauty.
I totally understand, some guys have to work extra hard to stay in shape and such, and all I have to do is show up. It's truly unfair. I "get it." Why does life have to be so much harder for some guys. Not a day goes by that I'm not reminded of this curse. And, I apologize. But, I'm not taking these cycling shorts off. Not, till I am no longer in the grocery store.
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