I Don't Smoke in Warm Weather. You?

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Servant King

Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
I smoke more often in warmer weather, but this is chiefly a consequence of being an exclusively outdoor smoker. I have a workspace outside, but inclement weather is still a deterrent. One day, I will have an indoor smoking room, and I would assume at this point my smoking frequency would be relatively even from one season to the next.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 2, 2019
I guess I've never given too much thought to the temperature. I'll sit outside in the heat, or wear a heavy winter jacket when it's cold out.

One thing that does prevent me from smoking is rain. We have a pergola over our patio, but I wish we would have paid to have a proper covering installed so I could still sit outside and enjoy a pipe when it's raining. Oh well! I can still smoke inside on those days.
Mar 1, 2014
Coldest time of day is usually just after sunrise (evaporating condensation chills the air), I'd be getting up early for the morning smoke.

No matter what your local weather is, nothing can be worse than being attacked thousands of mosquitos.
I'd be more comfortable smoking in a hurricane.
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Sep 1, 2021
Eastern panhandle, WV
Did you use a small font to keep her from seeing you post this over your shoulder. Tap three times if you need help. We'll get you out of there if you are in danger. puffy
It's like the old joke-"I told my wife how it was going to be, because I was King of the castle. When I picked myself off the floor with the knot on my head, I realized she was Queen of the castle and I said Yes Dear".


Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
If I lived as a single person, I certainly would smoke more inside. But, as I share the house with my children and wife, I am happy to smoke outside, and I live in a desert. When my children move out, I will make one of the rooms a place to smoke and ventilate it appropriately. Where II live, home prices are outrageous - California - and being that it is a resort destination where I live, homes that have been smoked in can loose hundreds of thousands of dollars of worth.
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