First off, for me... what someone else does to their tobacco, pipes, house, or hair, doesn't concern me.
Likewise, I don't think someone is out there drying all of their tobacco in the microwave. Maybe they are. But just in talking to guys on here, I get the impression that isn't exactly they're all day, everyday routine to nuke their tobacco. I use it when I have thoughtlessly forgotten to set my tins out, or to quickly taste a freshly popped tin. I haven't nuked a pipe full of tobacco in a week or so. And, before than maybe a few weeks. I pretty much will just open a tin or jar a few days in advance of needing a new batch in my rotation of tobacco types. Then I just pour the tin out to dry a bit, usually a day or so. Then I return it to the tin or an empty tin for a jar. But, every now and then I will nuke a pipe full for 8 seconds, and then set it out on the counter. 8 seconds is barely reversing polarity, if that is what is happening, and setting on the counter for a few minutes continues the drying process. I am not cooking my tobacco. Just warming it.
We also use the thing sometimes to heat up some coffee or make some popcorn. We definitely don't cook in it.
But really... if someone else wanted to cook three meals a day in it, and nuke a jar full at a time... then who am I to tell them how to live? I mean, I could rattle on and on about growing your own foods, fruits, juices, raise meat rabbits and chickens, but that's just the road I am on. If someone else wants to live on fast food, dye their hair orange, and paint their pipes pink... well, that would be funny. But... I'm sure I do something someone else would think is funny. :
