My experience on forums is vast, so I'll share a little of what I have learned.
Suppose someone posts something controversial, possibly with the intent to provoke.
You have a few choices:
1. Respond with outrage.
2. Ignore it.
3. Respond with a short, reasoned answer.
There may be others, but these are your big choices. Rage, ignore or dismiss. I tend to favor the latter: a short statement of why you think it is wrong, and then move on.
The reason for this is that it does not give any more credence to their view than is warranted. All views must be considered; if they are not relevant, they can be discard. Ignoring them makes them look accepted, and rage seems to validate them, so those two options are not optimal.
However, a quick one-liner or link to the effect of "I disagree because x" followed by no further drama relegates the opinion to where it belongs. It is a minority opinion; it deserves consideration, but no spotlight for being a minority opinion alone.
This way, you do not use the momentum of the forum against itself, nor do you take it lying down. You dismiss, and move on, or at least give a contrary view in the debate. This transfers the focus from the minority nature of the opinion to factual, logical and historical matters.
Food for thought...
Suppose someone posts something controversial, possibly with the intent to provoke.
You have a few choices:
1. Respond with outrage.
2. Ignore it.
3. Respond with a short, reasoned answer.
There may be others, but these are your big choices. Rage, ignore or dismiss. I tend to favor the latter: a short statement of why you think it is wrong, and then move on.
The reason for this is that it does not give any more credence to their view than is warranted. All views must be considered; if they are not relevant, they can be discard. Ignoring them makes them look accepted, and rage seems to validate them, so those two options are not optimal.
However, a quick one-liner or link to the effect of "I disagree because x" followed by no further drama relegates the opinion to where it belongs. It is a minority opinion; it deserves consideration, but no spotlight for being a minority opinion alone.
This way, you do not use the momentum of the forum against itself, nor do you take it lying down. You dismiss, and move on, or at least give a contrary view in the debate. This transfers the focus from the minority nature of the opinion to factual, logical and historical matters.
Food for thought...