How To Deal With Controversial Opinions

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Can't Leave
Apr 29, 2015
Yeah, Climate change is always a hot topic. So many people are so deeply invested in the opposing sides. The unfortunate fact is that both sides have lied. One side has exaggerated the problem and the certainty to try to make things better (or at least different). The other side has ridiculed and minimized the problem to maintain the status quo.
My take is that, having a son, I'm invested in the future. I want him to grow up in a better world than I did, just like I've grown up in a better world than my parents did.
I see a lot of downsides to continuing our oil/coal based economy, and very few upsides. I understand that moving toward cleaner energies will require an adjustment, but I (personally) see more upsides than downsides.



Jun 3, 2015
Oil/coal Based society? Well let's see, this very means of communication has no future as long as the battle against oil is waged. You can forget the evolution of Medical technologies if the battle is won by the Looney Greenbacks and their hoaxes. CO2 doesn't contribute to warning. Co2 is a life gas that is essential to life on this planet. Co2 is also heavier than our air, which very little makes its way to the stratosphere, then you wonder why it turns up in ice cores over the millennia. That's because it's stuck down on the ground and gets trapped in ice. I'm no scientist, that's why this was all in layman's terms, but I pay close attention to what is said and what is not said. Common sense says we have been duped, by quite a few.



Can't Leave
Apr 29, 2015
So, perdurabo,
What you're saying is that the moral and socially responsible thing to do is to burn MORE coal and oil?
No offence, man, but I'm gonna just stay duped, k?



Jun 3, 2015
I'm not into putting men out of business. I'm also for the economic common sense avenue. If Solar panels succeed, then they succeed on their own merit. Plus, I'm not seeing the scientific evidence where coal/oil are impacting our society as bad as a computer models say. Bad data enters, bad data spits out.
On a solid note,Robwoodall, your original assessment was spot on. Common sense to be a conservationist, not so much an activist. So in essence I agree. It takes guts to not agree fully with The Green Police.



Can't Leave
Apr 29, 2015
I see your point, but I still lean toward renewables, or at least continued research to make them more competitive. I'm certainly not an activist on this issue. Of my motorcycles, three are gasoline powered, and only one is electric. I do think that, eventually, solar, wind and fusion will become our go to energy sources.
Not trying to shut down the coal/oil industry, just want to keep working toward a cleaner world for my son.



May 26, 2015
I have to admit that I am real guilty of this. I shoot my mouth off too loud and too often.

With me, I get prattling and say to much and I do it because (groaning and blushing) I just want to feel like I'm part of the group or to be accepted. Everyone wants/needs acceptance at some social level. This forum is an electronic social community.

Hard for me to relax and understand and try to simply be myself. Hence I draw back because of sticking both feet in my mouth.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I honestly could care less what someone's opinions are on stuff controversial or political. And, I hate it when people want to "make" me care. Whenever I hear someone rattle off political philosophy or support a candidate wide eyed and full of Kool Aid, I just immediately put them in the brainwashed category, both sides. Sure, I have candidates that I will vote for, and I've never missed an election, but who my friends vote for has never influenced me, and all the gibberish that gets stirred up are just symptoms that these people are idiots and believe in crap, and you probably could care less who I vote for as well, so I am not about to explain myself to you on that. My wife and I talk about stuff as we listen to the news. We keep each other dead center. But, I have no interest in listening to anything controversial or political from anyone else, especially if they believe the feces leaking from their mouths.
I come here to get away from this infected, festering, idiocy that has infected people. I have absolutely no respect for anyone who believes in either party or any candidate. I grew up with a Governor, and many reps, mayors, and judges in my family, and politics is food for the completely braindead idiots of this nation.
Sure, want to impress me, lets talk about pipes and tobacco, or actual things that matter.

Want me to loose all respect for you, tell me who you're voting for.
But, no one really cares what I think, ha ha, and the feeling is mutual. :puffy:



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
My nation, and the reality that I live in is wonderful. The economy has not dipped on me, everyone I know has a job, and the schools are wonderful, things are getting better as far as including people in the big game, and I don't need or want some corporate news brainwashing me into thinking things suck. I have eyes and a brain. I'm sorry if your reality sucks. I hope it gets better for you.



May 9, 2016
I agree with Cosmic. Currently my fortune is a bit down but that's of my own making and fully dependent on me to change - which I will. Other than that, things are damn good.
The news sources have been claiming the sky is falling and the world is going to hell in a hand basket ever since I can remember. I just ignore it.... and smoke my pipe.



May 28, 2015
Change is inevitable. Whether cultural, or financial, or personal.
Change is the only thing you can count on.
When "things were good" depends entirely on your point of view



Jan 31, 2011
It all depends on what the standards are that one is measuring against. In my experience, most people seem to just accept whatever the current status quo is as the standard. And therein lies the problem, IMO.
There also seems to be a wide acceptance these days of the idea that the end justifies the means...whether consciously or subconsciously depends on the individual...but the collective mind seems to have adopted that position, which I also find troubling.



Sep 8, 2014
Moody, AL
I am a very wealthy, very powerful man. I am a very wealthy, very powerful man. I am a very wealthy, very powerful man.
Bill, it's not working. Your theory is broken :(



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2016
Pardon for resurrecting this thread, but it's not too old yet.
I used to offer a short, reasoned response, but now I tend to ignore. This is because of a tendency I've noticed online: people seem to think that whoever speaks last wins an argument.
There are many people on Twitter, Facebook, etc., who like to tease others into debates. It seems they have nothing better to do than post inane counter-arguments over and over in response to my reasoned arguments. Because of always fun Dunning–Kruger effect, these types won't generally ever understand that they aren't responding well to my arguments. In fact, they seem to think that "winning" and argument just means being the last one to write a response. Most of the time I'm not willing to go head-to-head with some unemployed fellow who has nothing better to do than tweet responses back at me for 12 hours--especially if he can't even understand basic argumentation.
There are, however, times when I'll do it despite knowing the above.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2016
One thing I forgot to add:
I think people who say controversial things with the intent to provoke are essential to society. Provocateurs are the litmus test for whether or not speech is free or not. Do I like everything they have to say? Of course not--that's the point.
So, I didn't mean to imply above that all people I disagree with are unintelligent and jejune in their arguments. It's just that there's always that chance, and sometimes I don't want to risk getting involved in some long back-and-forth.



Jul 21, 2015
I think people who say controversial things with the intent to provoke are essential to society.
I agree. Without dissident voices, discussion becomes circular and entropy takes over.

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