Very easy to do this online, real life, not so much. Dental bills may skyrocket. :wink:
True! And that's why I respect such people for their bravery if not their message.
Very easy to do this online, real life, not so much. Dental bills may skyrocket. :wink:
Not really, but you need a congenial gathering of mature people who are committed to discussion, not just posturing. While rare it does happen.Very easy to do this online, real life, not so much.
Maybe I interpreted this wrong, I thought of shit disturbers and the resulting smack in the mouth. 8Osay controversial things with the intent to provoke
I think I agree, but with a big qualification:I'm a strong believer in the importance of intent, especially when it comes to muddying the waters. Dissent for dissents sake is without meaning. It's what trolls do. True dissent is what democracy is about